Chapter 9

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(Y/n)'s pov.
Today was Sunday and we all decided to go hang out at the mall and then later go to the beach!

I was excited because me and the girls were going to go get bathing suits.

Once we got to the mall we all parted ways and all of the girls instantly headed to the bathing suits.

We found a shop which was cheaper and looked through the bathing suits the girls gave me a few bikini's to go try on which I was a little self conscious about but decided to listen I tried them on I found a black one that I liked and tried it on which it fit perfectly I didn't even bother trying the other's on I quickly got my clothes back on and walked back outside putting them on the hook next to the dressing rooms so that they know that they have been tried on even thought I didn't they would still need to be cleaned anyways.

The others smiled and my taste of bikini and tried theirs on obviously picking out the cutest ones and once we paid for them we all went to the girls bathroom and changed into the bikini's.

We all looked at our bra's and panties and I had an idea "hey momo can you make little baggies? For our undergarments?" She nodded and created each of us a little baggie we quickly put our undergarments in our bags and thankfully it was our favorite colors.

I grabbed everyone's and smirked be right back I teleported to all of our rooms setting our undergarments on the beds once I was done I instantly ran down to the kitchen and made us all sandwiches and packed sunscreen and popsicles.

Once I was done I ran back to my room Aizawa chuckled "you teleported didn't you?" I smiled "yes.. am I in trouble?" He shook his head "what's your excuse?" I explained to him why I did it and he nod his head in understanding "Well I didn't see anything and I don't have proof so I couldn't tell them if you did" I giggled and smiled "thanks dad!" I called out and froze "u-um" next thing I know I was being hugged and I smiled and hugged him back.

"I don't mind if you call me dad (Y/n) your like a daughter to me" I smiled and teared up and hugged him closer.

We separated and I smiled "see you at 9" he nod his head and I ran to my room closing the door behind me and teleporting to the girls bathroom where the girls were still waiting anxiously "hey sorry I packed us all lunches and sunscreen! I also brought a shit tone of towels for everyone!" They smiled "thanks (Y/n)!" We walked out of the girls bathroom and met up with the boys they looked at the cooler I had strolling behind me and the bag plastic bag that was zipped up.

"What took you guys so long?!" Denki said curiously.

"I teleported back to the dorm rooms and made us sandwiches and grabbed sunscreen and a shit tone of towels!" They smiled and thanked me.

Soon enough we were at the beach having fun.

We had set everything up and me and the girls helped each other with our sun screen we watch the boys have difficulty so we just shook our heads and went to help him no one went near Katsuki so I did and tapped his shoulder "need some help?" I asked smiling he scoffed and looked away I smirked and rolled my eyes opening the sun screen and begin doting it around his back he whipped around.

"What the hell do you think your doing?!" I rolled my eyes "calm your tits I'm only helping you out so you don't get a sun burn!" I turned him around and began rubbing the Sun screen onto his back shoulders the back of his arms and his lower back.

Once I was done I laughed softly "your welcome you big baby" I put the sunscreens back into the bags and the girls wanted to go play in the water so they instantly begged me I sighed and took my shirt and shorts off.

They all cheered and dragged me into the water I instantly squealed "IT'S COLD!" they busted out laughing but I continue to move forward knowing it would get warmer.

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