Chapter 20

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(Y/n)'s pov.
I wrote down the notes that were being written on the board but in my mind all that I could think of was All For One and when his next attack would be, what would his next attack be, what would he do?.

Flashes of my past flew through my mind one's where no one would want to remember...

I snapped out of my thoughts quickly catching up with my notes before it was wiped off.

Soon enough it was time for lunch and we all quickly headed to the cafeteria.

Katsuki instantly wanted me to sit with him so I just laughed and agreed to sit with him.

We all talked and laughed but mentally something about me was off.

'I hope no one notices I'm off... If they did maybe I could talk to them?.. But then I'd be burdening them with my feelings that I can't even figure it out myself...' Katsuki shook my shoulder and I looked at him and gave him a questioning look.

"You ok?" He asked making everyone at the table look at us.

"Yeah! I'm fine! Why?, What's wrong?" He smiled softly "nothing, I was just talking to you but you seemed distant and couldn't hear me" my eye's widened "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to act like I was ignoring you! I'm not, I just got lost in thought!" He chuckled "it's ok, I just wanted to make sure you were ok" I smiled "yeah, I'm fine! Soooo, tell's me what was you talkin' about" he smiled and began the conversation once again.

"So, soon enough it will be mine, Deku, and Todoroki's anniversary, I was wondering if you could help me decorate my room" I smiled and clapped my hands "Of course I will!! So what is the theme your planning on? I grabbed my phone and opened up my notes to type it out" he thought for a moment "Sadly, I haven't thought that far yet.." I giggled "That's ok! Just think what do you all like?" He thinks for a minute "Deku likes All Might, Todoroki loves cold soba, and I love spicy food and hanging out with them."

I though to myself for a moment and smiled "alright, so I'd say have an All Might themed anniversary BUUUTTT that's mainly a birthday theme not something for an anniversary it needs to be something personal between the three of you! So, is there anything that you all like doing? Like watching a movie, you could all go out to the movies, or on a date to a restaurant that serves not only spicy food, and cold soba, but also a favorite food that Deku likes!" He seemed to be shocked that I thought thoroughly about this.

"What?" I asked smiling he chuckled "just surprised your actually thinking this through" I smirked "you know just because I'm dating you doesn't mean that I can't help out with your other relationship right?" All of a sudden I'm grabbed by the collar of my shirt and dragged in Mina's lap "YOUR DATING HIM?!" she yelled in shock "ummm, yeah?" I replied blushing having the small urge to run for my life... So that's what I did.

Running for my life as the girls chased "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!" they screamed making me run faster "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as I was tackled by them all so they could strangle me "KATSUKI HELLLPPP" I screamed laughing as the girls kept tugging me talking about first kisses and shit like that Katsuki put his hands up signaling he wasn't going to help me in the slightest "... TRAITOR!" this made the boys all burst out laughing.

As the girls all argued over who was going to ask the first question I had successfully sneaked away of course having to crawl under one of the girls thankfully they didn't even move and was to busy arguing to notice.

I ran for Katsuki and hid behind him "Traitor" I whispered huffing making him chuckle.

"(Y/n) and Bakugou sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G-" smirking I continued "second comes love them comes marriage then there's a flying grape sitting in a hospital bed not able to move~" I cooed making him slink away "please don't hurt me" I chuckled then I heard the girls question where I had went.

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