Chapter 16

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(Y/n)'s pov.
I groaned while waking up my ENTIRE body felt sore.

I sighed and slowly got up and went to my shower in my bedroom and drew myself a hot bath.

Getting in it relaxed my muscles a lot.

'why does this bother me so much.. who was the two people in my vision and why did one of them make my heart race so much?' I sighed and submerged my entire body underwater relaxing further lifting back up I softly wipe the water out of my eyes.

Sighing once more I turned softly and had another one

It was the same blond from before but something was different the feeling from before was more intense he seemed to be upset but I don't mind it at all.. what is wrong with me? What is this feeling? It then switched to a black haired man again and around him a group of people.. 'Is this a class? But.. I've never been to school in my life.. what is this?!'
~End of flashback~
'what is happening?' Sighing I got up and emptied the bath tub of it's contents and started a shower after I was done I got ready and walked towards the bar.

Only to be bombarded with some panic and frustration.

I walked up to Kurogiri as a few villains panicked as they watched the Television.

"Kurogiri, what's going on?" I questioned he turned to me and looked at the television I turned and slowly walked towards them to not make a sound.

I watched as my father's villain army were being dragged out of what I can only imagine one of our hideouts by heroes.

Looking closely I see the black haired man again he looked towards the helicopter above and walked into the building.

After about twenty minutes of this live broadcast he comes out empty handed.

"Looks like the hunt for (Y/n) Aizawa is still on the table! If anyone has heard, seen, or knows anything about the disappearance of (Y/n) Aizawa Please call the police and inform them-" then a loud abruption from the Villains infront of me went off they spoke about how they were being picked off like flies.

I listened carefully.

"Why can't we just give her to them-" there was a smack against his head from another villain "we need her dumbass."

After listening to them for a minute I walked towards the bar again.

I looked at Kurogiri with a pleading look.

He knew exactly what information I wanted but sighed knowing he couldn't give it to me.

My hair was ruffled as Father sat down beside me "good morning daughter" I look at him "yeah? What's so good about it?" I replied making him smile.

Then the next thing I know he puts his hand firmly on my shoulder "It's time to fight the heroes" this shocked me and Kurogiri.

"Now?" I asked and that he smiled to "No, we will wait till they come for us" I gave him a look of question then it dawned on me "They know where we are anyway don't they" he nod his head agreeing with my accusation.

"Well I guess we will wait for them to bring the fight to us" I said leaning back and smirking.

He chuckled and breathed in a sigh "It also means you'll be training like never before" this only made me smile "a little extra practice won't hurt" this made give me an approving smile.

"Then get busy" I got up and instantly began training fighting every villain and not just One v. One no I fought All V. One.

It didn't take me to long but I had knocked out every Villain we had my father gave me a smile and an approving look.

My Firecrackers (Bakutododeku x Reader) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin