I want him...

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you had been running for hours when your father, Luke Maybank, had found out that you were back in obx after saying you would never be back. after losing him after a few blocks,you run into an unfamiliar face, "sorry" you say to the girl, "it's all good, are you okay?" she asks noticing your leg, that it now bleeding from falling when luke found you.
"yeah, just fell, i was running from my dad. He doesn't really like that i'm back here though" you say quickly before grabbing a bottle of water, "i'm sarah cameron, are you talking about luke maybank? jj's dad? didn't you run off years ago? rafe was like in love with you girlie " sarah asks passing money to the cashier for the water. "yeah,i haven't seen jj in years, do you know where he would be? i need to talk to him about something.oh and my names y/n maybank, i had to change it from mae when i moved back here so mom wouldn't notice it" you say looking around.

"He might be hanging out with John b and the others? do you want me to take you?" she asks "yeah that would be great! thankyou!" you say as you guys walk to john b's house.
"john b! your girlfriends here! who's she with though.." Jj yells out to john b who was inside. "hey jj i found someone.." she says as you run up to him and pull him into a tight hug, after a few seconds he pulls back. "y/n? what are you doing back here! have you seen dad? what did he say? did he hurt you..?" jj says now pacing, "i came back to see you! and i'm not leaving for a while, mom hooked up with some new guy at her work so she's going on like a two month trip with him. and yes i saw dad.. he chased me for about 2 hours until i found sarah!" you say hugging sarah from the side.
"guys let's go to my place, rose, ward, and wheezie won't be back for ages and i think rafe's with topper and kelce." sarah says looking at everyone, "i'm down if you guys are" you say grabbing her hand, getting into the boat to go to her place.

* a few hours later at sarah's house *
your all watching a movie together, pope laying on the floor rolling around trying to hit everyone's ankles as you all run around laughing at him. "why the fuck are they here sarah." rafe says walking through the door. "they're my friends, and my boyfriend. they can be here rafe." sarah says walking towards him. "h- hi" you say running up to him looking into his eyes, as his eyes trail over your body as he li is his lips. "rafe." he says with a smirk on his face, remembering you years ago, how much he loved you, then you left without saying goodbye to him, leaving him with no chance of telling you how he felt for you.

"go away rafe." sarah says to him, making his eyes shift back to sarah. "fine sarah, don't come to me when ward comes home and kills you." he says, his eyes going back to meet yours. "wait." you say as he starts to walk of "sarah.. you didn't say he was that hot still! let him stay pleaseee! for me?" you say grabbing her hand, jumping around. "fine." sarah says walking over to john b sitting in his lap. "rafe! come join us?" you say walking back over to him. "no thanks, you could join me in my room if you want, it's pretty cool, and i could show you around the house a bit since we moved when you left all those years ago.." rafe says looking at sarah while saying the last part, as she nods, agreeing for you to have rafe take you on the tour. "follow me quick" rafe says grabbing your hand, leading you to his room. "woah.. your house is huge!" you say to him looking around while walking up the stairs with him. "yeah the only cool parts are my room and the pool really." he says opening his door for you to walk in. "why thankyou." you say walking in.

"my bathrooms over there, sarah's room is the other door that's in there, we share a bathroom. it sucks." he says sitting in his bed and going on his phone. "this is so cool" you say looking out his windows to the pool. "what's your number?" rafe says, your attention going back to him, who now didn't have his shirt on, your eyes watching his every move carefully. "uhm here i'll put it in your phone." you say walking over to him, sitting next to him on his bed. "good girl.." he says, pulling you onto his lap, facing you. "guys?" you hear sarah say knocking on his door before opening it. "y/n were all going for a swim, do you wanna join?" she says not noticing the sexual tension between the two infront of her.

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