Found Family (WooSanLix)

Start from the beginning

San and Wooyoung had been in the system their entire lives – that was basically how they met. And, after experiencing the worst and the best of it, they'd eventually agreed on something: if they ever had the chance to make a difference, even for a single kid, then they would seize it right away.

And, hopefully, they'd be able to help this Lee Felix Yongbok the way they wished they could have been helped back then.


They'd just finished cleaning the room when the doorbell rang. Wooyoung was faster and got to the door first, opening it wide to make it look as welcoming as possible, knowing how intimidating their house – mansion, really – could appear. 

On the porch was a woman in a tailored suit and, somewhat hiding behind her legs, a little tuff of disheveled blond hair peeked out. The boy was small, and somewhat thin, with cute freckles splattered all over his cheeks and his nose, but there was a thick bandage on his forehead and his eyes looked dead.

Wooyoung's heart broke at the sight, and he slowly crouched to be at his level.

"Hello, Yongbok," he greeted softly. The boy hesitantly looked at him, and Wooyoung offered him a smile while extending his hand. "Why don't you come in? We have a nice room ready for you."

The boy's brows furrowed, and he looked confused. After a gentle nudge from the woman accompanying him, however, he carefully took Wooyoung's hand and let himself be guided back inside. San came to the door while his husband took Yongbok in.

"Is there anything we should look out for in regard to his health?" he asked, taking the backpack she was handing him.

"No, his head wound was superficial and he's mostly exhausted. Some rest should do him good but, considering what he's seen..."

San hummed in understanding. If the child had truly witnessed his grandparents' deaths, then there was no doubt he'd been quite traumatized by the incident, and sleep wouldn't come easily. 

Thanking the woman for her time, he finally closed the door and carried the small suitcase in. It was pretty light, it had probably been packed in a hurry. If Yongbok happened to be there to stay, then they'd have to look into not only buying him new things, but also in retrieving his stuff as quickly as possible.

He headed upstairs and, upon entering the guest room they'd prepared for Yongbok, he found Wooyoung finishing up with getting the boy dressed in a simple shirt that almost brushed against the floor – San's, upon further inspection, but it couldn't be helped since they didn't have pajamas, and he doubted they'd have thought of packing some for the boy.

(They hadn't. All San found when he opened the suitcase later was a few shirts, a pair of jeans, some underwear, his toothbrush, and a cute kitty plushie, which he'd been quick to gently tuck into Yongbok's arms so the boy would at least have something familiar upon waking up.)

Wooyoung was talking in low tones to the boy and, though he seemed to react every time he called him by his name, he never answered any of Wooyoung's questions. In the end, Wooyoung took pity on him and figured they could get to know him tomorrow, and gently nudged him toward the bed. 

It was pretty big, so Wooyoung had to help him get on, and the freckled boy let out a barely perceptible gasp as he practically sunk into it. Laughing a bit, Wooyoung helped him settle down and tucked him in, eventually biding him a goodnight before leaving.

San, who'd been standing in the doorframe up to that point, simply bid goodnight too before following his husband, closing the door behind them – but not entirely, he left it ajar just in case.

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