Lyra lifted her hands and flipped an obscene gesture at the long-haired Gryffindor, mouthing a few vulgar phrases before turning on her heels. She held her middle finger high in the air as she marched off, not caring about the whispers and murmurs of her aggressive attitude towards the two boys. The anger that coursed through her blood would be enough to send the Dark Lord and Dumbledore running scared because nothing could stop Lyra now.


"Hey," Regulus's voice cooed as he wandered up to the astronomy tower, "I don't think I've ever seen you up here before."

"I needed somewhere James wouldn't come looking," Lyra grumbled as she readjusted her seat on the blanket, "Plus, I have detention with your brother in an hour and figured hiding for as long as I could help."

"He's a bit of a handful," Regulus agreed as he took a seat next to the girl, tucking his knees to his chest, "But he means well."

"You sound like James."

"I know you don't mean that as a compliment, but" he grinned, turning his head to look at the blonde, "He is exceptionally handsome."

Lyra sent a glare towards the boy, her face showing the obvious disgust she felt. The last thing she needed right now was someone hyping up her brother right now, especially when he was the one she was pissed at the most. She was used to Sirius being an absolute dingus and making her life miserable, but hearing James try and defend him instead of taking his own sister's side hurt. Lyra knew that they had a different bond and was happy James found someone like Sirius, but she was still his twin sister, and she thought they were closer than that.

"Bad timing?" Regulus smiled playfully, bumping his shoulder onto hers, "I heard what happened in Potions. I hope you know that a lot of people don't see you like that."

Lyra rolled her eyes, not believing a word that came from his mouth. She's heard the whispers and the jokes and all the rumours that floated around her name. She was the bad seed in the Potter family and the one that couldn't just fall in line with her brother. But she didn't always want to because she enjoyed living life without thinking of others. Whether it be hanging out with Regulus Black or taking any opportunity to make Snape regret being born, it wasn't just fun for her; it made her feel like her own person.

Lyra was sick and tired of just being another Potter twin. She wanted to be known as James was. Not from his last name or relations, but because of the impact he made. He and Lily were the great love story of not just Gryffindor but Hogwarts as a whole. Lyra would love a relationship, but she always winded up getting hurt, so why both trying anymore?

"I'm telling the truth," Regulus chuckled, eyes linger across Lyra's lips for a second too long for her not to notice, "Anyone would be lucky to be able to call you theirs, Lyra Euphemia Potter."

"Well, your brother ruined our plan," Lyra quickly spat out, turning her eyes away from the boy, readjusting his position in her seat, "Pierre trusts me as much as he does Sirius now."

"I do have another plan," Regulus began, and Lyra could feel the burning look he was giving her, "Though if you think Sirius is a problem now, wait until you hear what I have in mind."

"And what is that?" Lyra asked, tucking a stray strand of golden hair behind her ear.

"Meet me back here after your detention, and I'll tell you, for now," Regulus grinned, wiggling his eyebrows and hopping to his feet, extending his hand to her, "Why don't I walk with you to your inevitable doom."

"You're a comedian," she sighed, taking his hand and hauling herself up to her feet, "A real comic."

"I try my best when it comes to pretty girls."

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