Diverting attention

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Jiang Cheng had had enough of the Lanling Jin sect's boasting. They had not even done that much during the war, and what they had done, it had been only Jin Zixuan's doing, not Jin Guangshan's. So the Lanling Jin sect leader had nothing to boat about in the first place. It was making Jiang Cheng very angry. Although, he supposed, it was still better than having the topic of his brother come up.

And just as he had feared, once again, the topic was getting dangerously close to his brother: "... my sons had distinguished themselves during the final battle. Jin Zixuan had fought bravely and helped to achieve the victory we are now celebrating and Jin Guangyao rescued Wei Wuxian and secured the Yin iron so it would not be used against us. So..."

Jiang Cheng had no patience anymore. He did not want to risk any of the present cultivators starting to think about his brother in one sentence together with the Yin iron. That would be a very dangerous combination. The rumours which had been circulating throughout the camp during the war and after it were too vivid in everyone's minds. It could turn the whole cultivation world against his brother. And Jiang Cheng could not have that.

So he swiftly intervened. He got up from his seat and bowed to Jin Guangshan, making sure to not grit his teeth too much: "Sect Leader Jin, you were talking about both of your sons. But I could not not notice that one of them is missing from your side..."

He left the end of the sentence trail into nothingness, suggesting that it was a question. Which in fact it was not as he knew perfectly well where Jin Zixuan was at the moment. He just wanted to interrupt the speech and let the present cultivators wonder why the Lanling Jin sect heir was not here with them, celebrating the end of the war just as the rest of them.

It seemed to have worked because a wave of murmurs echoed in the banquet hall after his words and Jiang Cheng had to hide a smirk of satisfaction which threatened to appear on his lips.

It was Jin Guangyao who spoke, his voice as sweet as ever, it was making Jiang Cheng nauseous. "It is true that Young Master Jin cannot attend this gathering as he is indisposed right now. He had sustained injuries in the battle which required treatment. I am sure he will be able to join shortly."

Jiang Cheng saw how Jin Guangyao made a nod in the direction of the Lanling Jin sect disciples and how one of them slipped out of the banquet hall. He became alarmed at once; this was not good. If someone would search for the Lanling Jin sect heir, they would quickly realize that he was nowhere to be found. And it would surely not take long for them to put two and two together and understand that the rest of the Yunmeng Jiang sect forces including Wei Wuxian were not here anymore.

Jiang Cheng had to do something. Preferably something which would shock anyone so much that they would not be thinking about Wei Wuxian anymore.

He gestured to the Yunmeng Jiang sect disciples behind his back to follow the Lanling Jin sect disciple and stop him from finding out about the missing demonic cultivator. He could only hope that one of them would understand and would do their best to save the situation. He could however not check anything if he did not want to be found out, he could only carry on as if nothing happened.

He was thinking hard about what he could do to shock everyone. And he had found just the thing! It was not even all that hard really, just very unconventional.

"You can search for Jin Zixuan all you want; you will not find him in his tent. My sister and him had decided that their engagement should be renewed and they have declared their feelings quite clearly to each other, so he had moved closer to the Yunmeng Jiang sect tents. My parents had already agreed. I know it is not quite customary, but I would like to ask Sect Leader Jin for his blessing as well. It was quite sudden so I assume that Sect Leader Jin had not yet heard the news..."

The whole hall fell into a shocked silence and all the eyes had turned to Jin Guangshan in anticipation of his response. Jiang Cheng knew that it was an incredulous plan he had come up with but he really had not had much of a choice. Not only had he caught everyone's attention but he had also managed to steer their thoughts away from Wei Wuxian, Jin Zixuan's engagement with Jiang Yanli was a much more interesting topic after all. It would mean an alliance between two great sects and increase in power sharing between them as well.

Jin Guangshan was looking very displeased although he was trying to hide this. It was clear that he was not very favourable to the idea. And Jiang Cheng could understand, he was the Chief cultivator now, he had no need for alliance with someone as weak as the Yunmeng Jiang sect. He probably wanted to use his son in securing allies from another, more influential party.

However, if he was to decline now, it would not look good, not after Jiang Cheng's declaration that Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli has already made their feelings towards each other known. Who would want to split two young love birds? That would be just cruel.

Jin Guangshan must have realized this as well because he was now clenching his jaw tightly, almost to the point where Jiang Cheng would fear for his teeth.

It was Jin Guangyao who spoke though: "Sect Leader Jiang, those words are a little misplaced here I would say. And neither Young Master Jin nor Maiden Jiang are here to testify..."

He did not have any time to continue as Jiang Cheng interrupted him: "Of course, Young Master Jin. That is why I wanted to present an official engagement agreement. And you can of course check with Jin Zixuan about his feelings at your convenience."

Jin Guangyao bowed, his sour expression quickly hidden. After several seconds of silence, the banquet hall erupted in cheers and everyone wanted to drink to the new union to be.

Jiang Cheng accorded himself a small smile which he hid in his cup. They have won, at least for now. It was even killing two flies with one stone: no one would now talk about Wei Wuxian anymore with their focus shifted towards a marriage to be prepared and at the same time, he had just secured the future for his sister and Jin Zixuan.

He was delighted when he caught his father's small nod in his direction. Jiang Fengmian's eyes were full of pride and Jiang Cheng's chest was melting from the inside. Still, he wanted all of this farce to be over already so he and his father would be able to also leave for Lotus Pier as soon as possible. He wanted to check how his brother was faring.

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