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Note: This chapter contains description or torture and its aftermath, please be warned and proceed at your own discretion

Wei Wuxian had been fighting for his life the whole night, he did not even know how long had already passed. The only thing that was important right now was to keep fending off the fangs and keeping his most vulnerable areas protected. Even without Wen Chao telling him he could not use resentful energy, he would not have been able to because his mind could not concentrate on anything else but the pack of wild dogs which was in the cell with him.

If someone was to ask him what was worse, if spending one night in Nightless City dungeons with dogs or the three months in the Burial Mounds with resentful energy and fierce corpses, he would have not been able to give a clear reply. Not that he himself had much time to think about this, he was just fighting for his life and the thought crossed his mind all of a sudden.

He was so deep in his panic that he did not even notice the door opening until there were human hands grabbing him. He started fighting those as well, too confused and out of it to actually be able to tell the difference. He had no scruples by now and he was kicking and biting everything which came into his reach, he could not tell if he was still screaming and sobbing or not. He only calmed down a little bit after being tied up again and receiving several hard slaps.

By the time he recognized his surroundings, he was already being all but dragged through unfamiliar hallways, suspended helplessly between two guards. He was sure that if they were about to let go of him, he would have just landed on the floor, motionless and exhausted, like a puppet with its strings severed.

He could not tell where he was being taken and at this point, he did not even care all that much, the most important was that he was not in the cell with those horrible creatures anymore. He was doubting that he would be able to negotiate with Wen Ruohan if he was taken to him right now.

He was too exhausted after his sleepless night full of fighting for his life and all-encompassing panic. His body which had been aching even before coming into Nightless City was now beyond useless, he could not even remember if he had ever been alright anymore. Everything hurt and he felt lightheaded, he must have lost a lot of blood because of all the bites and wounds he had just received. His head was pounding and his throat was as dry as a desert.

His eyes were closing on their own and he had little will to keep them open and his mind functioning properly. If Wen Chao and Wen Xu had wanted to break his will with this trial, they had almost succeeded, there was little fight left in him. He would do anything they asked just to be allowed to rest and not be thrown back into that cell.

He only realized that he must have drifted into unconsciousness when he jolted awake with a thundering voice he did not know. He was thrown on the hard ground. It took all of his willpower to lift his head and look at the figure who was speaking. Although he had never seen him before, he immediately knew that the person in front of him, or more like above him since he was sitting on a throne on an imposing podium, must have been Wen Ruohan himself. Wen Chao and Wen Xu were standing on each side of the throne.

It was his audience with the Qishan Wen sect leader he had so dearly wanted. It was only the first part of his plan and he was already having trouble going through with it, he berated himself silently. With unparalleled effort, more than he ever remembered needing for basically anything, he managed to somehow make it onto his knees, in a pitiful excuse of a respectful pose. It was all he could muster right now.

He also finally registered what Wen Ruohan was saying: "... I know about you, you are the demonic cultivator who was fighting against me, raising his own army of fierce corpses. I wanted to meet you for a long time. I hear that you have come to join me?"

Yes, this was the moment Wei Wuxian had been waiting for, the time to negotiate with the Qishan Wen sect leader. Only if he was in a better condition. But no matter, his head was now a little bit clearer and he remembered his true goal, he had to safe those of the Yunmeng Jiang clan who still remained alive, most probably being held captive in the dungeons. Wei Wuxian only hoped that their cells were more comfortable and welcoming than his had been.

He licked his chapped lips to encourage himself, this was the moment he could not fail or everything would be damned. He gulped and winced slightly at the pain it arose in his throat and he started talking, each word feeling like the last he would be able to ever say, still, he persevered.

"Qishan Wen sect leader, Your Excellency, as you say, I have indeed come to join you. I have a proposition for you if you would allow, an exchange trade as to speak." He did not wait for Wen Ruohan to give him permission to continue, he wanted to hook him even more and he had no time to spare unless he wanted the other to get impatient.

"I came directly from the Burial Mounds, the place which is called The Land of the Dead. I have learned demonic cultivation there. I do not need a Yin iron to raise and control fierce corpses. My version of the demonic cultivation has also less of an effect on me than using the Yin iron does, it is less taxing and definitely less harmful. If Your Excellency would allow me, I could teach him a few tricks to better control the Yin iron and the resentful energy."

Only when he was finished did Wei Wuxian dare to look up at Wen Ruohan again and assess the impact his words had. And he was overjoyed to see that he had visibly picked the other's interest. The Qishan Wen sect leader was now looking at him with curiosity in his eyes, a hungry and greedy expression on his face.

"And what would you want in exchange?"

Now was the time, the moment that Wei Wuxian had been waiting for. It was now or never.

"In exchange, I wish to study the Yin iron in order to be able to learn even more about demonic cultivation and to help you even more. And..."

His voice broke a bit and he was not able to finish his second demand. Until now, Wen Ruohan looked like he had no problems with his deal, but what about when he would ask for the Yunmeng Jiang clan prisoner, or prisoners, to be released? What would the man do then?

"That sounds reasonable. What else would you want?" Wen Ruohan apparently picked on his hesitation but luckily, he seemed to still be in quite a good mood.

Wei Wuxian swallowed once, send a silent prayer to whoever was listening and continued, making sure his voice would not break anymore: "And I ask you to release all the Yunmeng Jiang sect prisoners you are keeping."

If anything, Wen Ruohan now looked intrigued: "Why?"

It was Wen Chao and Wen Xu who were staring at him with suspicion clear in their eyes, however, they did not say a word. Apparently they too were scared of interrupting their father or going against him.

Wei Wuxian chose his explanation very carefully: "I owe them a life debt. This way, I will be able to pay them back and cut the last ties to the cultivation world. I want to immerse myself entirely in the demonic cultivation with you as my master."

Wen Ruohan seemed pleased by his words and an impossibly heavy weight had just been lifted from Wei Wuxian's shoulders. He had not expected the negotiations to go this well. Not even the Qishan Wen sect leader's next words could dim his happiness.

"Alright. If you want to leave the cultivation world behind, you have to get rid of your golden core as well. Are you willing to go that far? If you do, I assure you I will take you as my apprentice and treat you as one of my sons."

Wei Wuxian almost started laughing, this was such an easy request to fulfil. After all, there was no golden core inside of him to be melted anymore. It could have just been another trial to see where his loyalty laid but it was so much easier than the first one that Wei Wuxian wanted to cry out of sheer relief.

"Yes, Your Excellency," he replied solemnly.

"Good," Wen Ruohan nodded his head with satisfaction and then turned towards the guards, "bring here the prisoners."

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