Return of the sect leader

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Jiang Cheng was relieved that they could finally leave the war camp behind them and go back home. He had had enough of intrigues and Nie Huisang's complicated plans in which the Qinghe Nie sect heir wanted to use Wei Wuxian as a bait or his pawn. Although he liked Nie Huisang as a friend and it was true that his quick thinking had gotten them out of a tight spot more than once, Jiang Cheng could not help but to feel tired and slightly angry when those plans would count with his brother's knowing or unknowing contribution.

It seemed like Jiang Fengmian had also been plotting behind his back with Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue and Jiang Cheng was offended, if only a little. He had thought that his father had already acknowledged him as the new Yunmeng Jiang sect leader. Should he then not involve him in matters which concerned the whole sect or its head disciple? Should he had not gotten to know about a plan which was set in motion in order to protect his brother and the whole cultivation world?

Well, Jiang Cheng supposed, perhaps it was no wonder. He did not quite shine during the Sunshot campaign with Wei Wuxian doing most of the work and fighting his battles for him. Although he had resurrected the Yunmeng Jiang sect from the ashes of the burnt Lotus Pier and had managed to recruit new disciples, it was still not the old Yunmeng Jiang sect. Perhaps his father did not like all the changes?

Or had he maybe come to think that Jiang Cheng was too weak and not quick-witted enough to be a sect leader because he had failed to see all the dangers which lurked in the shadows? But he had tried; he had never believed Jin Guangyao and now even Nie Huisang had confirmed that that man was not to be trusted, especially not when it concerned Wei Wuxian.

His father did not give him any signs of acknowledgement or any praise or scolding ever since Nie Huisang had left their tent and they had mounted their swords to fly to Lotus Pier. In fact, their home was already in sight and Jiang Fengmian had yet to say a single word. Jiang Cheng knew he had a deep scowl on his face but he just could not will himself to try and put it away.

He was in a very foul mood when they set down in the main courtyard of the Yunmeng Jiang sect compound. The exact one which had been so drenched in blood during the Wen's siege that Jiang Cheng had to completely replace all the pavement because it could not be scrubbed away no matter how hard anyone tried.

His scowl deepened still when only his mother, sister, Jin Zixuan and several disciples came to greet him and his father. There was no sign of Wei Wuxian nowhere around. Even though Jiang Cheng could think of a number of reasons why his brother had not come to meet them, he knew only one of them was true no matter how hard he wished it was not. Wei Wuxian must have still been unconscious; or if he was awake, he was in such a bad condition that he was not able to get out of his bed.

His hypothesis was proven correct when Jiang Yanli reacted to Jiang Fengmian's eyes which were scanning the whole courtyard: "Father, A-Cheng... A-Xian, he had still not woken up. Lan Wangji and Wen Qing are taking care of him." Jiang Cheng scowl was now so tight that he was worried it would stay on his face permanently. His sister was quick in trying to reassure him: "He is doing much better now. Lan Wangji had been playing healing music for him for the last couple of days and it seems to be doing wonders."

Jiang Yanli did not mention anything about Wei Wuxian's lack of a golden core. However, Jiang Cheng could clearly hear what had been left unsaid. Without a golden core, his brother's recovery was slow and everything which would help a normal cultivator was of much less use to him. Even the Gusu Lan sect's special musical healing surely had only limited effect. Limited, yes, but luckily not none. There was still hope things could get better, if only slowly.

"Sect Leader Jiang, we need you to answer several requests for help from nearby towns and villages. People had been suffering because of the war and are asking for help."

A Yunmeng Jiang sect's disciple whose name Jiang Cheng could not recall at the moment was looking in confusion between him and Jiang Fengmian. The man was older and Jiang Cheng knew that he had been in the sect even before the fall of Lotus Pier. He must have also thought that now, when his father was back, Jiang Fengmian would be the sect leader again even though he did not want to offend Jiang Cheng.

It surprised Jiang Cheng greatly when his father spoke instead of waiting for him to explain everything: "I am not the Yunmeng Jiang sect leader anymore. A-Cheng had proven more than capable of leading the sect. I can now retire from the position with light heart. We will hold an official succession ceremony once everything had settled down a little. But for now, please refer to him for any sect related matters."

During his speech which he had pronounced in a loud enough voice so everyone would hear him, Jiang Fengmian put one of his hands on his son's shoulder and squeezed a little. Although there were still no words spoken between them, Jiang Cheng saw in his eyes recognition he had been always waiting for. His father's expression was one of pride and he nodded to show his son his acknowledgment.

Jiang Cheng thought he could not be any happier right now. Well, perhaps only if Wei Wuxian would be there together with him and he could share this moment with him.

He had realized just now that all those years he had been jealous of his brother for receiving all his father's attention and praise, his feelings had been misplaced. Even now, Jiang Fengmian's acknowledgment and praise were hidden, barely to be seen if Jiang Cheng had not been looking for them. It was not that his father had not shown him any until now, it was that he had been too blinded by his jealousy that he could not see them.

And of course his brother had needed all the encouragement he could get after living on the streets for so long and having started his cultivation training years after anyone else and with his body still weak from his ordeals. He really should have been kinder to Wei Wuxian at that time. Would anything change if he had? Would his brother perhaps not have such a strong urge to protect them because he felt indebted to their family and guilty for ruining it? Gods knew that Jiang Cheng's words must have also played a part in today's state of affairs and in Wei Wuxian's unhealthy self-sacrificial and self-blaming tendencies.

Jiang Cheng resolutely pushed these thoughts away, he could deal with them at a later date. He had sect leader duties to do now. He would not fail his father's trust in him. He shook his head a bit to clear it and straightened his spine. It would not do for the Yunmeng Jiang sect to have a weak leader.

All the disciples in the courtyard were now looking at him, and there were even more coming in. Jiang Fengmian was still holding onto his shoulder and Jiang Cheng found it very reassuring. He knew that his father was there with him and he could always turn to him for advise whenever he would need to. He was not alone in this and he would make sure that Jiang Fengmian would be even more proud of him.

"You heard my father," he addressed everyone, his voice confident and light. He did not feel crushed under the sect leader duties anymore. "Go back to your posts and duties. I will come back to check on everything as soon as I see my brother. Then, I will deal with the matters which had accumulated during the war."

He was only a little bit stunned when all the disciples and even his parents, sister and Jin Zixuan – the latter with a somewhat begrudging expression but it was not like Jiang Cheng cared about the peacock right now, this was his moment alright – bowed to him. The disciples chorused: "Sect Leader Jiang, Master Jiang, welcome home." 

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