Intrigues behind the scenes

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Jiang Fengmian was coming back to the Yunmeng Jiang sect tent after having met with Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue in secret. He felt like they were still at war, only the enemy and the means of fight had changed. It was not Wen Ruohan anymore who wanted to dominate the cultivation world by force, now it was Jin Guangshan who wanted to coerce them into gratefully walking right into his clutches.

It was true that the three great sects had been exhausted by the war, their resources scarce and they had suffered many losses. That was however no reason for them to bow obediently to a new tyrant and oppressor; for Jiang Fengmian believed that it was exactly what Jin Guangshan would become in his quest for always more power and glamour for his own sent. From the very few conversations they had together since the end of the war, Jiang Fengmian quickly understood that the Lanling Jin sect leader only wanted to expand his power and did not care about common people at all.

That was why he wholeheartedly welcomed Lan Xichen's and Nie Mingjue's proposition to stand up to him. Only, they could not do so openly, even with the strength of all their three sects combined, they would have never been strong enough to face the Lanling Jin sect on their own. And the minor sects were for now neutral, fearing another conflict where they did not know which side to join. They would need a great reason to side with either party. While the Yunmeng Jiang, the Qinghe Nie and the Gusu Lan sect had not given them any as of yet, neither did Jin Guangshan luckily. In his arrogance, the Lanling Jin sect leader did not care about the support of the minor sects, taking it for granted instead.

This was the only time they would be able to unite once again and take out another great powerful man who was threatening to lead the cultivation world into disarray.

At first, Jiang Fengmian had been enraged that the Yunmeng Jiang sect had been left out of the negotiations after the final siege of the Nightless City palace but by now, he understood that it had been necessary. There had been too many eyes on them because of Wei Wuxian and his demonic cultivation that Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue would not have been able to explain their plan to him in secret. They had done it after the division of spoils and Wei Wuxian's supervisors had been announced. And he had agreed with their plan immediately.

All the more because Jin Guangshan had wanted to seize all three pieces of the Yin iron and Wei Wuxian to boost his own power. Luckily, Lan Xichen had been able to make him agree to decide otherwise. At least for now, things could change at any given minute.

Jiang Fengmian was extremely grateful to Lan Xichen for successfully convincing Jin Guangshan that it was a good idea to appoint Jin Zixuan as one of the supervisors. It helped that the Lanling Jin sect heir had been fearing his son taking over his position just as he had done with his own father and also having to face public opinion. Due to the fact that Jiang Cheng had publically announced the reestablishment of the engagement between Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli, there were many who would think it too cruel to separate the two lovebirds. In this aspect, everything was looking good.

They had to be careful thought and that was why they had left the youngsters out of it for now. Not that Lan Xichen or Nie Mingjue were much older but at least they had been in the position of sect leaders for a while and were accustomed enough to the sect politics' games. Not so much Jiang Cheng who was too hot-headed to be able to patiently wait for the right time or Nie Huisang. The Qinghe Nie sect heir had demonstrated some hidden talents and competence but still, he was not strong enough to be helping in the upcoming conflict. Not that Nie Mingjue would let his little brother join into something this dangerous either.

The three of them were prepared, now it was just the matter of getting the support of a sufficient number of minor sects so they would be able to proceed with their plan. They wanted this to be as peaceful as possible, there had been enough lives lost in the war, there should not be any more victims, much less innocent ones. Yet, they would still have to fight, that much was clear even now.

He was not doing it only for the peace in the cultivation world, though that was of course one of the reasons as well. But certainly not the main one. He knew that Wei Wuxian would not be fully safe until the threat of the Lanling Jin sect leader and the way too ambitious Jin Guangyao would be taken care of.

There was not much time left though, Wei Wuxian could already be facing a grave danger for all Jiang Fengmian knew. Some of the Gusu Lan sect disciples which Lan Xichen had sent to provide protection during Lan Wangji's travels to Lotus Pier had already come back and informed them that there had indeed already been attempts at Wei Wuxian's freedom and life. It was very concerning but not something they would be able to do anything about right now. He could only hope that his wife would be able to protect their children.

Jiang Fengmian made it back to the Yunmeng Jiang sect tent and when he opened the door, he quickly closed it behind himself, hiding a worried expression behind a small smile. As soon as he stepped inside, he noticed that there was someone else beside his son whom he had been expecting to be there. He wondered what Nie Huisang wanted this late at night and in secret too if his dark cloak and serious expression had anything to say about that.

Jiang Fengmian however picked himself up quickly enough and he greeted: "Good evening, A-Cheng, Young Master Nie. To what do we own the pleasure?"

It was Jiang Cheng who spoke, his expression serious and slightly tense: "Father, we need to talk."

So sorry for the late upload, I have somehow only saved the chapter as a draft and it never got published :( Wattpad does not like me too much...

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