To bring you back to me

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Lan Wangji was sitting in his room, mediating to regain as much spiritual energy as he could and also to clear his mind. When he was dealing with the resentful energy plaguing his husband's body despite his best efforts, he needed to be of sound and strong mind. He did not want to cause Wei Ying any more harm if his mind would be in turmoil and the cleansing and healing songs would not be played correctly.

Sad to say, the progress was minimal. His husband was still unconscious and the resentment was having its own mind, in his state, Wei Ying could not control it as he had done during the war. So Lan Wangji could only do his best to repeatedly lessen the burden and wait for his soulmate to wake up and finally start working together with him.

He was somewhat startled when there was knocking on the door. He however immediately shot to his feet, it must have been someone bringing him news about his husband. No one else ever came to see him for any other reasons and he would always go take his meals in the kitchens. The Yunmeng Jiang sect disciples were doing their best to be discreet around him and keep their energetic spirits and shouting to the minimum.

He opened the door and saw that there was Jiang Yanli standing on the other side of it. For a second, his heart almost stopped. It had always been disciples bringing him news, not the members of the Yunmeng Jiang clan. He was fearing hearing bad news. Had Wei Ying's condition deteriorated again?

The next second however, he realized that it was most probably not the case. He could not see any traces of worries or fear on the other's face, if anything, Jiang Yanli actually looked happy, perhaps even excited as her smile could barely fit her face.

"Lan Wangji," she greeted with a small bow that he returned, "my brother had just woken up for a minute. He is sleeping again now but I wanted to inform you. Wen Qing is there with him, checking his condition. I thought you would want to know and go see for yourself."

Lan Wangji had a hard time to not shove Jiang Yanli out of his way and run to Wei Ying's room immediately. His heart started beating like crazy and if the daughter of the Yunmeng Jiang clan said something else, he did not hear her.

His husband had woken up at last! Those were the good news he had been desperately hoping for! Although Jiang Yanli had just said that they did not know his condition yet, it was enough that he was no longer unconscious, he would now finally start to heal. Just as expected, the Second Jade wanted to go see him. Even if Wei Ying was already sleeping again, Lan Wangji knew that it would now not take too long until he would be able to stay awake for a longer periods of time. He was already longing to see his husband's brilliant smile and to hear his lovely voice.

Although, he realized, too much had happened and perhaps he would still have to wait a lot longer for those. It was very probable that Wei Ying would need some time to recover, not only physically, he was progressing well in that department under Wen Qing's watchful eye, but mentally. He had just gone through much and Lan Wangji feared that it had left a heavy burden on him. None of them knew which kind of state he would wake up in and they had all been nervous.

It had been mortifying but at last, it seemed like the long wait was over. Lan Wangji could not help but feel hopeful; even if Wei Ying would not be alright right off the bat, everyone would make sure that it quickly changed and that he would recover eventually. Yes, the Second Jade would make sure of that. He would support his husband to the best of his abilities. He could not make the same mistake as during the war. At that time, he and Wei Ying had not really seen eye to eye and that was what Lan Wangji wanted to avoid doing again.

"...Wangji? Do you want to come with me and see how A-Xian is doing? Wen Qing should be finished with her examination by now."

It seemed like Lan Wangji had missed something Jiang Yanli had been telling him, her face became concerned although there was still a gentle smile on her lips.

Lan Wangji nodded and immediately went back to his room to retrieve his guqin. He would play for his husband until the other would wake up again, even if it should take days. He hoped that in this way, the resentful energy would be soothed enough for Wei Ying to not feel too bad when he would open his eyes.

Moreover, and he did not want to dwell on this selfish desire of his too much, he had a feeling that his husband liked the song he had written for him and always seemed to be calmer when hearing it. After all, he had asked to have the song sang to him even during his battle with Wen Ruohan and the Yin iron. If that was nothing to say about his preferences, Lan Wangji did not know what would. He was extremely happy, and also perhaps a bit proud of himself and hopeful that it was his song Wei Ying reacted the strongest too.

But he tried to keep this desire under wraps, he still did not know if his husband would even return his feelings. He should take things slow and give Wei Ying enough time to recover before telling him anything. The only problem was that he was not sure he would be able to hold himself back long enough.

He did not remember much from their way to his husband's room, he was deep in thoughts and by now, he knew the way by heart too, his legs were working independently of his mind. His emotions were all over the place, fluctuating between extreme happiness, relief and worries. It was hard to concentrate on anything at all. There was only one clear desire in his heart: to see Wei Ying.

He willed himself to listen when he was already standing in front of his husband's room, having his way inside blocked by Wen Qing. The Dafan Wen clan doctor looked stern and slightly worried, but that was nothing new. Lan Wangji could not tell from her expression at all how Wei Ying was faring. It was making him even more on edge.

Then, finally and after what seemed like an entire lifetime, Wen Qing let them in and Lan Wangji's eyes immediately sought out his husband. He gave out a long sight of relief when he saw that Wei Ying was sleeping soundly and there was nothing wrong with him, if he could judge that only after evaluating his complexion. After making sure that his husband's condition did not deteriorate, Lan Wangji could finally breathe freely again. When had been the last time he had taken a deep breath anyway?

"Wei Wuxian is indeed starting to wake up now," Wen Qing confirmed what they had all already known. "He will be probably pretty confused in the beginning with how long he had slept and also considering the events which had rendered him unconscious in the first place. He will now drift in and out of consciousness for a few days, his mind has to get used to being awake again. At this time, I recommend that someone stays with him at all times and that there is light food and water prepared. He would be hungry and thirsty. However, do not let him eat too much just yet, it could be dangerous after a long period of starvation."

Well, she did not have to tell Lan Wangji twice. He had already decided to stay with Wei Ying until his husband would wake up. And hopefully he would be able to bring him back to them faster while playing for him.

His knees were a little weak and he could feel tears sting in his eyes, he was completely overwhelmed by relief. He did not want to outright break where he stood so he directed his steps, one more careful than the other, towards the place where he usually played. He sat down and got his guqin out. His head was spinning but his fingers knew the practiced motions well. He started playing, trying to regain his calm and composure as much as call Wei Ying back to him. 

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