Coming out

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From the very morning, Jiang Yanli had a feeling that something would happen today. She was just helping preparing breakfast and she was wondering what her expectation could be related to. It was not dread nor fear, it was more of a happy expectation so she was not too worried.

She understood as soon as she stepped into the sect hall where she and her family used to eat their breakfast. She was happy for the shared meal times since they had not had so many of those in the past. They were finally starting to act as a true family and it was warming her heart. Though, there was still tension, especially when it came to Wei Wuxian. She did not know how to breach the subject with him so he would not blame himself for ruining their family as he had claimed multiple times in the past. To her shame, she stayed silent.

Today however, she could tell that something had changed. Wei Wuxian was the liveliest she had seen him in a long time. His eyes were shining and he was bouncing on his toes as if he could not wait for something. She wondered what had happened.

She did not wait long for the mystery to be solved. Wei Wuxian only waited until the breakfast was finished and he immediately stood up, Lan Wangji following suit. Usually, there would be a short period of idly chatter before everyone would take their leave and proceed with their daily tasks. Not today it would seem since Wei Wuxian had apparently an announcement to make.

His cheeks were all red and he was now fidgeting nervously. Lan Wangji grabbed one of his hands and Jiang Yanli saw how he squeezed it lightly. What Wei Wuxian was about to say seemed to have been quite hard for him. But Jiang Yanli still did not fear, she felt strangely excited herself. She could tell that her brother was for once not pretending anything and was genuinely happy.

"Uncle Jiang, Auntie Yu, Jiang Cheng, Shijie, I want to tell you something." He started and his expression became solemn at once, still, the happy sparkles remained in his eyes and his lips were slightly twitching upwards every time he glanced in Lan Wangji's direction. "I have learned that Lan Zhan and me had been married for a year now." Before anyone could start fretting and asking questions, he continued:

"It happened during our studies in Cloud Recesses. We have been entrapped in a cave and there was a guqin attacking me and Lan Zhan wrapped his forehead ribbon around my wrist. Apparently, that is how the wedding goes in the Gusu Lan sect. We have then took our bows. Lan Zhan had not had an opportunity to tell me until now but when he did, I immediately agreed to be his husband. I hope for your blessing for our union. I could not be any happier than with my husband at my side."

Now, Wei Wuxian turned towards Lan Wangji and kissed him for quite a long while, probably trying to prove his point. The ever expressionless and cold Second Jade returned the affection perhaps even more passionately.

Jiang Yanli was happy for them, it was clear they were perfect for each other and would be a great couple now that they managed to confess their love and official union. She had just not expected to be told that they were already married. And apparently neither did the rest of her family. Jiang Cheng looked ready to start shouting at his brother to not spout out nonsense while their parents were visibly shocked speechless. Jiang Yanli had to smile to herself, the picture in front of her was just hilarious.

Then she spotted Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji. They had stopped kissing already and were now watching them with a mixture of expectation and nervousness in their eyes. It was clear that they were waiting for their reaction. Jiang Yanli was not sure that anyone beside herself could provide one right now so she smiled even brighter and said in a cheerily voice: "A-Xian, those are great news! I am happy for you."

"Thank you, Shijie," Wei Wuxian replied all emotional and he was already hugging her.

This seemed to have snapped the others out of their shocked state and Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan came closer, putting their hands on Wei Wuxian's shoulders. They were both smiling and they had tears in their eyes. Jiang Yanli had hardly ever seen them this emotional, yet overjoyed.

It was her mother who spoke, even her voice unusually thick with emotions: "Congratulation, A-Ying, we are glad that you are happy."

"Thank you, Auntie Yu, Uncle Jiang." Wei Wuxian replied and gathered them both into another hug. Tears were now shining in his eyes as well. It was just that kind of moment really.

Jiang Yanli glanced at her youngest brother who had not spoken yet. She hoped that he would not ruin the moment by saying something insensitive or by scolding his brother. She would have liked if Wen Qing was by his side right now, she seemed to always know how to calm him down and make him think before opening his mouth. But unfortunately, it was just their family today: Wen Qing had an urgent assignment in the infirmary and Jin Zixuan had to go back to Koi Tower some time back to settle the Lanling Jin sect after Jin Guangshan had been found guilty and retired to seclusion.

Luckily, Jiang Cheng did not look so angry anymore, just somewhat grumpy as he made his way towards Wei Wuxian. Their brother had now freed himself from their parents' embrace and he was looking at the Yunmeng Jiang sect leader anxiously.

"Jiang Cheng..." Wei Wuxian seemed nervous again. Lan Wangji must have seen it as well because he was now at his husband's side again, holding him around his waist in quite an intimate gesture.

Jiang Cheng stopped just two steps away from them and was glaring at them. Jiang Yanli could not see his expression from where she stood so she could only hope that he was not scowling.

She was relieved when he spoke in a sharp tone but with good intentions, not refusing to accept Wei Wuxian's and the Second Jade's union: "Lan Wangji, you better take good care of him. He can be a bit much sometimes, reckless and stubborn too. Now it is your job to keep him away from troubles and harm's ways."

There seemed to have been a moment of silent communication between those two and then Lan Wangji replied at last: "I will take care of Wei Ying, I promise."

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