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Wei Wuxian woke up slowly, his whole body still ached and he was weak from the fever which he had developed after the first night in a cold room he had been left in. They had chained him but it had not been necessary, he could barely move, not even talking about escaping. Wen Chao and Wang Lingjiao came from time to time and watched the guards beat him.

He did not know how much time had passed, he was going in and out of consciousness at what seemed like irregular intervals. And he found out after a while that he did not even care anymore. His world had become pain, hunger and thirst. If they killed him now, he would actually thank them. But no, they made sure to not go too far, and sometimes he even found his wounds dressed and bandaged and some water for him to drink in a bowl. It looked like he was not permitted to leave this world just yet.

He also did not know if Wen Chao had been aware that he had no golden core anymore. He certainly did not tell Wen Zhuliu to melt it and he also did not hold back on the beatings. So perhaps he did not know that Wei Wuxian was just a normal, fragile man right now.

Finally, there was a change of routine and he was actually glad for it. It had long become too dull for him to even try and count the days or the times he had woken up.

He was dragged to the sect hall again; they were still in Lotus Pier it seemed. His heart ached at all the changes around him; the place was hardly recognisable. Blood had not been cleaned and it had soaked deep into the wood of the piers and bridges, at least bodies were no longer scattered everywhere. The red was omnipresent, with blood red curtains hanging from about every corner, especially in the sect hall. Wei Wuxian wanted to weep seeing what had become of his former home. What he had caused.

He was shoved onto his knees in front of Wen Chao who had once again made himself at home in Uncle Jiang's lotus throne. He could not keep himself upright even if it was to save his life so he was actually grateful that the guards who had dragged him in did not let go of his arms, efficiently supporting him.

He hoped that Wen Chao would not see his weakness and would think that he was only being disrespectful and disobedient, but his hopes were to naught: "Look at you, not so high and mighty anymore, are we? Had you learned your place? I hope so, unless you want something even more painful happen to you." Wen Chao sneered and groped Wang Lingjiao's body shamelessly spread in his lap.

"What should we do with you now?" he asked to no one in particular. Even if he had asked Wei Wuxian himself, he would not have received any response. "Should we kill you? No, that would be too easy of an end for a nuisance like you. You have hindered my plans more than once, you should be punished, sure, but not by the mercy of death. I want to see you tremble beneath my feet like a servant you are..."

Wen Chao looked at him pensively, as if he was only now deciding how best to torture and break him. However, Wei Wuxian could tell from a maniacal glint in his eyes that he had decided a long time ago and this was just a way to torture him with waiting for his sentence. He did not care either way, he would die sooner or later. But he would certainly not make it easier for them to see him crumble.

He gathered the last of his strength and lifted his head to look at the second heir of the Qishan Wen sect, a mocking half smile on his lips. This was all he could manage at the moment, but the feeling of satisfaction he got when Wen Chao's face became angry was all worth it. For a good measure, he spat onto the ground.

His voice was raspy form disuse when he painfully slowly and quietly added fuel to the fire: "Just do your best, Wen Chao. I hope I will die as resentful as possible. I will then come to haunt the Qishan Wen clan to eternity."

His desperate threat seemed to have only made Wen Chao laugh all that harder. "I see you still need some convincing. But do not worry, I am sure we I will be able to break you in no time. I know it would be as much fun as breaking the Purple Spider. When I will be finished with her, she will be begging to be allowed to crawl at my feet and kiss my boots while serving me. And that pathetic excuse of a sect leader as well. They will make a good pair of slaves."

Wei Wuxian's heart skipped a beat. Maybe it was just empty hope but Wen Chao's words suggested that Madame Yu and Uncle Jiang may have still been alive. If they indeed were, he could still try to save them. He did not know how and if he would even have an opportunity but he hoped he would be able to manage somehow. He had to protect the family which took him in and cared for him for years. He had to right his wrongs and let Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli meet their parents again. Then the Yunmeng Jiang sect would be able to rise from the ashes in its past glory.

Wen Chao continued, unaware or uncaring about the fact that Wei Wuxian was in utmost turmoil at the moment: "Perhaps I should put you in their cell? I am sure Yu Ziyuan would be happy to see you. Perhaps she would even gladly help in breaking you down. No, better save that pleasure for myself and Jiaojiao."

Wei Wuxian was not listening to him anymore. This was all the confirmation he needed. Madame Yu, and hopefully also Uncle Jiang, were still alive and he had to somehow let his siblings know. He had to escape, he decided immediately. He could only help the Jiang family as a free man.

But what could he do? He was so weak he could not even stand on his own and he had no golden core, he could not measure up to the Wen guards and Wen Zhuliu who was Wen Chao's ever present shadow. No, he could not let himself be deterred, he could find a way; he would for sure.

He could feel that they were now dragging him somewhere again and he hoped that he would be put back into his cell so he would be able to think of some kind of a plan to escape. Unfortunately, and actually not all that surprisingly given his rotten luck, they did not head towards his makeshift prison. Instead, he was dragged to the main courtyard. Wen Chao, Wang Lingjiao and Wen Zhuliu were walking in front of him. He wondered what was happening.

He found out soon enough when the guards and the three higher ranked Wens took out their swords and mounted them. He was suspended between two soldiers, his knees spread and supported on two swords. The guards who were holding him took it upon themselves to step in his robes to not let him fall if he was to start struggling. Of course he would not do that, that would be such a stupid idea, without his golden core, he would never survive the fall. Then again, perhaps they were afraid he would try to jump regardless, trying to end his own life, that was entirely possible.

They headed out with Wen Zhuliu leading the small group. Despite the dire situation, Wei Wuxian could not help himself feeling nostalgic at the sensation of being high up in the air and having the wind gently caress his face and play with his robes. He had always loved flying and this would probably be the last time he would be able to experience it.

He did not know how long he let himself daydream and escape the reality. Perhaps he had even dozed off at some point because when he came back to his senses, he realized that they were now flying above some mountains, and actually quite close to them.

A sudden thought hit him, he could actually be able to survive a fall from this height. It was possible that if he landed safely, he could roll himself into a ball and go down the mountain a bit to limit the consequences of the impact. It was a dumb idea, of course he knew that, there was only a small chance he would survive and be able to get up after it. He could end up with broken bones and then there would be nothing easier for the Wens but to land and retrieve him. However, there was still a slim chance that he would be able to hide somewhere and actually escape.

Under the circumstances, he decided that a small chance was still a chance and he went for it. There was no time to lose, he had to act before they would once again be too far from the ground.

He struggled a bit in the hold of his captors and since they apparently had not expected him to do so, he freed himself easily. And then he was falling. Above him, he could hear Wen Chao's angry scream. He closed his eyes and prayed for a safe landing.

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