"Kylen," she whispered before her head dropped on my shoulder. Kailey rarely said anything, and She only communicated with us, kylen, Amber and Tommy.

Aurelia cleaned herself up and then we left to the pack house, Aurelia could have easily opened a portal but we rather to walk the distance. On our way we were greeted with smiles from passing people, we got to the pack house and went straight to Kylen's office. I opened the door without knocking and was met with chaos. In the middle of the room was Kylen, and on the floor behind him was a blonde. Aurelia teleported before our son and I tried my best to shield Kailey, who was whimpering, from the flying objects.

"Kylen!!!" Aurelia shouted over the noise. His eyes were fixed on the girl, Aurelia had to cup his cheeks to get his attention. His eyes cleared and everything fell to the floor, the noise stopped, only our harsh breathing could be heard.

"Mom?" Kylen fell to his knees with his head bowed

Aurelia settled down and rested her forehead on his. "It going to be okay, I'm right here," she ran her fingers through his hair, and stroked his shoulder softly.

Knowing she had everything under control, I went to check on the girl from before. "Come with me." her body was shaking with fear. She barely made it to the living room upstairs. "Are you hurt in any way?" I asked as we settled on the sofa.

She shook her head, "I'm fine," she whispered.

"What happened?" I asked waiting for answers. She left the room saying she had to go without uttering another word.




"When happened?" Aurelia asked with present concern and anger. She was worried about our son, so was I. We should have knew this wasn't something he was going to grow out of.

Kylen sighed in distress, "I don't remember."

"What if we didn't come Kylen, what would have happened to that poor girl?"

"I had it under control mom," kylen clenched and unclenches his fists.

"No you didn't, you need help!!!" Aurelia raised her voice and stood from the couch. "You need to see your great grandmother."

He shook his head, "No, I don't."

"Kylen," I warned.

Aurelia started pacing, "what if you hurt someone one of these days? Look what happened today."

"I wasn't going to hurt her."

"And how are you so su-"

"She's my mate!!" He growled standing. I growled back and stood before my mate. Kylen wouldn't hurt his mother, that was proven years ago, but I couldn't help my instincts to protect her.

Aurelia gasped, "Your mate?" She asked from behind me. "Why didn't you tell me, is it because I told you she was rude to me?"

"I didn't acknowledge we were mates, I.....wait, she was the one who disrespected you and Amber," he growled lowly.

"Yeah, but that's not important right now. If she's your mate why did you flip out in front of her."

He sat down and rested his head in his hands, "she said she had someone else and wanted to join their pack."

He spent the next few telling us how they meet and what he did, I stayed quite while Aurelia scolded him.

"I'm so happy for you sweetheart," she whispered, acting as if she hadn't been screaming at him few seconds ago. "You need to explain your reasons to her."

"I don't think she wants to hear from me. I hurt her and then I almost killed her, that's how it seemed to her."

"She's your mate, she will understand better than anyone else what you're going through."

He nodded but I knew he wasn't going to do anything about until he fixed what he saw was broken. He talked to us about almost everything in his life but he never asked for our help; he preferred to do things on his own, like his mother. "I'm going to bed I'll talk to you both later."

"Good night, we love you." Aurelia dismissed.

"And get some sleep," I added.

"Love you both too." He said walking away. "I think both of you need more sleep than I do, stop sneaking out to get food."

Aurelia laughed out and told him to mind his business, then we tucked Kailey in bed then went to our room. We freshened up then changed into something more comfortable. I was at my desk putting some files in other when Aurelia's arms snake around my shoulders. "You are tense, you should rest."

"I have a lot to do, there's been rumors about another site around here. We need to find it and stop them from taking anyone else." I groaned as her hands ran to my chest and she started to kiss my neck slowly. "Stop that if you don't want to start something," I warned with a low growl.

"Okay," her hands went away and a cold, empty feeling took their place. I looked back dumbfounded.

"Okay? Th-That's it??"

She looked at me with dead serious, "I don't want to start anything and you're working,"

I threw the pen on the desk, "well, I ain't doing sh*t now."

She fake yawned and jumped on the bed, "well I'm going to bed, you can do whatever."

"Aurelia," I got up and stalked towards her. She hid under the cover and started giggling. There was no trouble throwing the streets off and pinning her down. Her body shivered underneath me. "Let's finish what you started," I whispered in her ear.

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