Chapter 6

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Klyen's POV

I observed her intently, after a few minutes of looking around confused and in anger, she decided to head back. It didn't take a genius to figure  my actions had hurt her, I've turned away for the second time since I've met her. Though it wasn't my intentions, it was all I could do to stay away from her, at least for now.

That night, meeting her in the forest, was the best and worst day of my life. It tore me apart because I couldn't explain it to her; whom ever she was. I knew she was recently transferred to lichen, but I didn't dear to ask around. I didn't expect to find her this soon, I needed time to make things right; to become the person she deserved.

It became clear that she was avoiding me when she ran out the kitchen before I had time to see her, which was fair. I did the same time to her. Then, when I was running in the forest, I heard her screams. I've never portal somewhere so fast in my life. At first, the deal was to create distance between us. But after saving her, holding her in my arms, all I wanted was to be close to her.

I sat in the same place for hours before I portal home in muted affliction. It was around four AM so I assumed everyone was sleeping, to my surprise, my mother was in the couch; awaiting my arrival. I haven't been at home lately, and my parents and sisters were worried about me. I expected to be bombarded with questions, instead, she got up and hugged me. I immediately reacted, after a moment we pulled apart.

We sat back in the couch. "You didn't have to wait up for me."

She rolled her eyes and laughed, "Don't flatter yourself, I was stealing food when i heard you walked in." She took a bag of chips she hid beside the couch and showed me.

"Your sister, however, was." She said.

I sighed, "Is she still up?"

"No, she slept with us. She basically kicked me from my bed." She mumbled with her mouth full.

I glanced at the bag of chips, " Breakfast is in two hours mom, couldn't wait?" I teased her.

"I'd probably be dead by then," she shrugged.

I didn't bother going to bed, I stayed to catch up with my mother. It was good to just talk casually with her. She always had a way of making me forget, and she never pressured me to talk about what was going on. She waited until I was ready. I had a great relationship with my parents and sisters. They were very supportive and understanding. Mom, personally, knew what I was going through and she helped in every possible way she could.

Amber, my older sister, moved out to live with her husband, Tommy. They wanted a place of their own to start a family. Dad expanded the house years ago and there was more than enough space for mom and him alone so I didn't move out. My youngest sister, Kailey, was only two years old. She was the most adorable little girl ever, and we got along pretty well. Kailey, surprisingly was born human, everyone was utterly shocked when they found out. But that didn't change how we felt, if anything, it strengthened our bond for her.

She's the most protected person in our pack. As the first human in our pack's history, Kailey was at disadvantaged than anyone else. She doesn't have a wolf to protect her and she didn't get mom's abilities like I did. Mom knew she wouldn't have been a werewolf when she was pregnant for nine months, but she thought Kailey would be a witch.

After a few hours, I went to my room and showered, when I came downstairs everyone was up and dad was preparing breakfast.

When he saw me, he gasped and turned to mom, "Honey, you didn't tell me we were having a visitor,"

"I was shocked when he came in his morning," my mother replied. "Maybe his vacation is finally over," she shrugged.

Dad opened the fridge then sat at the table, "Do you think he will, I don't know, carry out his duties as alpha?"

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