Just For You

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"This is only a small favor I can give Forth. If he hadn't saved Phi Stean in the past, I don't know what would have happened to me," Geny said dreamily. "I love Phi Stean and don't want to lose him. He has tried many times to stay away from me because he doesn't believe in himself, but I always chase him back."

Beam looked at Geny guiltily. How ridiculous he was, thinking Geny was trying to take Forth away from him. "Geny, I'm sorry," Beam said quietly.

"It's okay, Beam, you're just proving that you really love Forth, and I've never seen anyone love  so deeply like the way Forth loves you. I want love Phi Stean like that."

Beam's face reddened. Geny smiled widely. She leaned over to Beam and whispered, "Do you have a good obstetrician recommendation, Beam?"

Beam's eyes widened and his eyes automatically looked at Geny's stomach. "You ...?

Geny nodded with a cheerful expression on her face. "Don't say anything. We're not getting married until next month and I want to give Phi Stean the best gift, but I have to make sure first."

"Come to the hospital in three days, I'll take you to my friend--doctor Nina. She's a great gynecologist at ShanVa. Oh Geny, I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks, Beam. Can I hug you?" Beam reached out and hugged Geny tightly.

Forth cleared his throat behind Beam. "I thought you were jealous that Geny and I were working together lately, Beammie, but why do I feel like I should be the one being jealous seeing you cuddling with Geny?"

Geny and Beam laughed. Beam approached Forth and hugged his waist. He tiptoed and kissed Forth's right cheek. "I'm just congratulating her on her wedding, Babe."

"You can congratulate her next month, Beammie," Forth said with a frown.

Geny approached Forth and Beam. He lightly hit Forth's shoulder. "Don't be arrogant, Forth. My boyfriend is as charming as Beam."

Geny winked at Beam. "See you in three days, Beam."

"Hey, what's that?" said Forth. "You made an appointment with her, Beammie?"

Beam pinched Forth's chin in amusement. "Ssh, shut up Forth. I'll explain later. I'm hungry now, feed me."

Forth was annoyed but complied when Beam pulled him over to the bbq place. Forth's parents were home, after a few hours of the party, and so were Forth's three older brothers and their partner. Now only their friends, Geny and Stean, seemed to be getting ready to go home.

It was almost two o'clock in the morning when their friends finally came home and some of the cleaning service staff they called had finished cleaning up the remnants of the party and making the new house clean and tidy again.

Beam lay down on the large sofa in the living room. Forth was bathing in the master bathroom in their room. Beam closed his eyes with a smile. He felt very happy.

"Baby, why are you sleeping here?" said Forth gently. He had finished bathing and did not find Beam in the room.

Beam opened his eyes and saw Forth standing on the side of the sofa. His hair was damp and he wasn't wearing a t-shirt, only long pajama pants, making him look very sexy as the water from his hair dripped down his bare chest.

Beam reached out and pulled Forth, so he fell on top of Beam.

"Hey, Baby, watch out, you'll be in pain if I hit you," Forth said as he held his body with an arm on Beam's side underneath him.

Beam lifted his head and kissed Forth's nose. "I love you, Forth Jaturapoom Jamorhnoom."

Forth laughed and kissed Beam's forehead gently. "I love you more, Beam Baramee Jamorhnoom."

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