Bad Dream

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Forth walked as quietly as possible, so as not to make a sound. He was thirsty and wanted to get some water from the kitchen, but he stopped when he heard a soft sob coming from the sofa.

Beam sleeps there. Forth had repeatedly asked Beam to sleep in the room with him. The bed in the room was big enough, but Beam always refused and insisted on staying on the sofa.

Forth couldn't do anything when Beam said he would leave the villa if Forth kept forcing him to sleep in his room. He also refused when Forth asked to change places.

Forth knelt in front of Beam who was sleeping on his side. The sofa Beam was sleeping on was big and soft and he covered part of his face with a thick blanket, but Forth could see the tears streaming down his face. Beam's eyes were tightly shut. He cries in his sleep.

Forth reached out to touch Beam, but before his hand reached, suddenly Beam whispered, "Don't... go away, I hate you, don't come close...."

Forth was stunned. Beam's eyes remained closed and he twitched restlessly. His forehead was sweating.

Forth touched Beam's hair gently. "Beam, wake up... You're delirious again. Beam, wake up...."

Forth's voice in Beam's ear woke him up. He stared at Forth with empty eyes. Forth's face was only a few centimeters in front of him. Beam could feel Forth's warm, cinnamon-scented breath against his skin.

"F-Forth? W-why are you here?" asked Beam quietly. He shifted his body further into the sofa. "W-what are you doing?"

Forth sat on the floor in front of Beam. He brushed Beam's bangs that were wet against his forehead, to the side. "You're crying again. In your sleep."

Beam closed his eyes and hid his face under the blanket. Forth pulled the blanket up. He held Beam's hand which was about to pull back the blanket. "No, Beam. Let's talk for a minute."

Beam's face was bright red. He hated his nightmares, which always woke him up with wet eyes and cold sweat. "I-I'm fine, Forth. Just a bad dream," Beam said quietly.

Forth gripped Beam's hand tightly. "Tell me. Your nightmare," Forth said firmly.

Beam's eyes widened. "Uh?"

"I want to hear it. I need to hear it."

"That's ... nothing," Beam argued weakly. He bit his lower lip.

Forth touched Beam's lips with his thumb. "Stop it, Beam," Forth hissed. "This time, I really need to hear your story first, even though you tease me with those pretty lips of yours."

"I'm not teasing you," said Beam quickly.

"Then don't bite your lower lip like that and start telling me, why do you cry so much in your sleep? We've been together for ten days in this villa, and I've heard and seen you like this several times. I don't like seeing you like this. You refuse to sleep in the room with me. You refuse to sleep in your own in the room and switch places with me. I'm sure there must be a reason. Tell me everything."

Beam shook his head. "I... don't know where to start and why I have to tell you."

Forth stared deeply into Beam's eyes for a moment, and then with a deep breath, nodded. "Okay."

Forth got up from his sitting position and stood on the side of the sofa. "I've already told you my heart, my feelings, my thoughts. You may not believe what I say. I also didn't expect you to return my feelings. This is indeed complicated. You may think I'm just trying to take advantage of the situation and manipulate the situation by telling you that I love you. However, you know, Beam, I never lie to my feelings and what I feel for you is very real. My heart hurts to see your tears, but if you don't want to say anything, then that's fine. Its your right."

Beam looked up and saw Forth's face. Forth's sharp eyes looked sad and his face gloomy. Forth smiled and bent down, kissing Beam's forehead and adjusting the blanket. "Go to sleep, it's still night. I'll prepare breakfast in the morning, before leaving."

Forth straightened and turned, walking back to the room. He had just reached the threshold of the room when suddenly Beam hugged him from behind. Beam's hands were wrapped around his waist and his face was pressed against Forth's back.

"Beam?" asked Forth. He held Beam's hand around his waist and moved to turn around, but Beam tightened his grip.

"No, Forth. Leave it like this for a while."

Forth remained motionless, only stroking Beam's arm. His back felt warm and wet. Beam cried silently on Forth's back for a few moments.

"Forth," Beam whispered hoarsely. "Can you stay here with me?"

Forth turned around and grabbed Beam in his arms. He lifted Beam's face to his chin and looked into Beam's wet eyes. Forth looked down and kissed Beam's eyes. "You want me to stay here with you?" asked Forth.

"You want to do it?"

"Sure. I'll stay with you."

"But what about... umm, your job?"

"Not a problem for me. I know which is more important."

Beam dropped his head into Forth's chest. His hands squeezed Forth's shirt so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

Beam looked up and tiptoed, kissing Forth's chin tentatively. Forth was stunned. Beam closed his eyes and kissed Forth's lips.

At first Forth was surprised, when he felt Beam's lips against his. Feels soft and supple. Forth pulled Beam's waist closer to his body and welcomed Beam's kiss. He followed Beam's every move against his lips. Beam was hesitant and shy. Forth tilted his head to deepen the kiss. He stuck out his tongue and wrapped Beam's tongue in his mouth to dance along. Beam groaned softly. He pressed his forehead against Forth's with a ragged breath, after their lips parted from the exhaustion of breath.



"Is your offer still valid?"


"To be your fiancé?"


"I'll tell you my story and after that, you might want to consider whether I'm still worthy of being your fiancé."

Forth kissed Beam's lips and smiled. "I'll listen to whatever you have to say, but I won't take your story into consideration." Forth touched the tip of Beam's nose with his index finger. "Because you've been my fiancé ever since I confessed my feelings. No bargaining."

Beam smiled and kissed Forth's chin. "Come on, I will tell you my story, Fiancé."


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