The Scandal

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"What happened, Beam?" asked Phana when he and Beam got the chance to meet.

Phana has been very busy lately, having been asked to represent the cardiac department at a two-week seminar in London.

He just returned two days ago and this afternoon came to Beam's practice room to have lunch together. They decided to have lunch in the hospital cafeteria because Beam had to have surgery in the afternoon.

"Forth sounded really worried when he called me."

"Forth called you? What for?" asked Beam in surprise. Forth never said anything to him.

"He asked me to check on you often at the hospital. He was worried about you and I heard nurse Mia's story about the woman who assaulted you a while ago. Who is she?"

"Darla. She is a woman who claimed to be pregnant by Forth. When I first met at the villa, Forth was on hiatus because of the problems Darla had caused. His brother and manager gave evidence to the judge that it was slander and the judge gave Darla's terms. She mustn't be near Forth on any business, or she'll go to jail."

"They didn't arrest her right away? He defamed Forth and spread lies."

"Forth forgave her, as they had worked together in the past, but when she attacked me, Forth threatened to imprison her himself if she did it again."

"You're lucky, Beam," said Phana, patting Beam's arm on the table. "Forth loves you very much. Then what about the photos? Has anyone been following you lately?"

Beam nodded and shuddered, remembering what had happened three days ago in their apartment. "I'm afraid my presence in Forth's life will mess things up, Pha," Beam said quietly. "Forth is a star, brilliant musician on the rise. I pissed off his fans."

"Does Forth think that of you?" Phana asked calmly.

Beam looked at Phana then shook his head. Phana nodded and patted Beam's arm again. "That's what matters most to you, Beam. Think about your feelings, think about Forth, and don't care about anything else."

"Yes, Pha. Who do you think would want to ... kill me? One of his fans?"

Phana thought for a moment. "I spoke to Lam and Park a few days ago when I was in London. We didn't even know about your private apartment, but whoever sent the photo knew. That means he's someone close to Forth, very close I think."

"But, it's Phi Grant--Forth's brother and Phi Sam--his manager, who is closest to Forth."

"No way Phi Grant," said Phana. "After I got to know Forth and his family, I knew their family bond was very strong. Even my older sister and I weren't as close as Forth to his brothers."

"Yes. Forth's three brothers love and protect Forth very much. He is the darling of the Jamorhnoom family."

"Could it be... Phi Sam?"

Beam thought then shook his head. "I don't think so. He's worked for the Forth family for a long time, and he loves Forth a lot too."

"But you said he was upset that Forth had turned down a lot of his schedule lately."

"Uh, yes. He even quipped about me taking up Forth's time, during a dress rehearsal for an exhibition Forth had to attend."

"We have to watch out for him. I think Forth has thought that way too."

Phana and Beam talk further about other things, including their best friend Kit and Ming's plans to adopt a child.

Phana hugged Beam after they finished eating and chatting. Phana is still on leave and has promised Wayo, his boyfriend, to go on a date, while Beam has to prepare for surgery.

"Always be careful, Beam. I'll stop by your office tomorrow afternoon. Kit too."

Beam nodded and returned Phana's hug. They parted in front of the cafeteria.

In the evening, after bathing and preparing  dinner, Beam turned on the television. He made spaghetti while listening to broadcasts from television.

" ...looks very intimate. Forth fans are very angry and call him a traitor. They make a petition for Forth to break up with him...."

Beam looked at the television and gaped. On the television screen, his picture is clearly displayed, hugging Phana whose face is blurred with blur. The spoon in Beam's hand slipped and he slumped to the floor.

Forth rushed into the apartment, followed by Lam and Tul behind him.

"Beam, Baby, where are you?" shouted Forth anxiously.

He knew Beam was already at their apartment and Beam always greeted him with a hug when Forth came home, and vice versa.

"Forth," Tul called from the kitchen. "Beams here."

Forth rushed into the kitchen and saw Beam sitting on the kitchen floor hugging his knees to his chest. Beam's gaze was blank and his face was pale. Lam hugged Beam from his right side. He stood as Forth approached.

"I think Beam saw the news, Forth," Lam said.

Forth's heart ached to see Beam's condition. He hugged Beam to his chest. Beam trembled and started to cry. "Th-they hate me, Forth, they will kill me. I-I'm afraid...."

"Ssh, Baby, no one will hurt you one bit," whispered Forth cradling Beam in his arms. "I won't let anyone touch your skin, honey, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Tul touched Forth's shoulder. "Take Beam to the room, Forth and put away all sorts of things that are read or heard. Pha and Kit are on their way with Park and Max. Lam is calling Phi Grant right now."

Forth grabbed Beam and carried him to the room. He laid Beam on the bed.

Forth went to get a small towel to wipe Beam, but Beam held his hand tightly. "Don't go, Baby, please, don't leave me. They're coming for me, Forth, don't go...."

Forth looked into Beam's wet eyes. It broke his heart to see the fear in those beautiful eyes. He lay down next to Beam and hugged him tightly, trying to calm the trembling in Beam's body.

"I'm not going anywhere, Baby, I'm here," Forth whispered sadly. He kissed Beam's forehead which was wet with sweat, nose and lips.

Beam moaned against Forth's lips, his hands gripping Forth's shirt tightly. "Don't go, Forth, don't go." Forth rubbed Beam's back gently while kissing his hair and face, until a moment later he felt Beam's body relax. Beam fell asleep in Forth's arms, but his hand still gripped Forth's shirt.

Phana knocks on the bedroom door and peeks inside. "Forth, is Beam okay?" whispered Phana when he saw Forth turning his head towards him.

"No, Pha. I think you should give him a sedative when he wakes up. He's panicking."

"Don't worry. I'll take care of it. We have to fix this quickly, Forth. My apartment was already being visited by reporters when I left earlier. Luckily Wayo managed to distract them."

"Yes, Pha, I will find out who is trying to mess with my lover."

"Take a rest and take care for Beam now, Forth. I and our friends will work together for this," said Phana. "Call us if you need something. We will stay here."

Beam groaned in his sleep. Forth kissed his forehead with teary eyes.


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