4// No One

517 25 50

Year 2027
New York, USA
Per Se, French Restaurant

The luxurious French restaurant's lights brightened the dark New York skyline as nighttime soon took over.

'I hope you both like this restaurant, I picked and reserved the whole place so our families can have a long chat together.'

The elder man says with a grin. The 2 individuals nod their heads and smile at the family of 3 seated right across from them.

The elegant female speaks up after sipping her wine.

'SeungCheol and Rona seems to be running late... It's still the rush hour, I apologize Chairman Jung.'

The elder male shakes his head with a fatherly smile, reaching out to hold the younger female's hands with the warmth of a father he replies.

'Darling... Joohyun ah, you don't have to be formal with me. I've known your father since we were young... All 4 of you are like my children. And it's fine, SeungCheol and Rona can arrive a little late...The night is still young isn't it?'

The 2 Bae siblings smile at the elder male and nod as they thank him for his kind and warm reassurance.

The sound of the entrance opening, breaks the little conversation on the table.

Turning around, the elder male smiles gently as the new arrivals greet him with a polite bow and handshake.

'Chairman Jung, I apologize... Rona and I tried to come early but work and traffic delayed us further.....I deeply apologize.'

The elder male nods and urges them to take a sit.

Rona sat beside her boyfriend and sweetly greets him with a peck on the cheek.

' My goodness.... Look at you two, you could get married tomorrow and we won't even complain. '

The elder female comments as she smiles at her son and Rona.

'Really? Then... Should we get married tomorrow Rona yah? My mom has been too eager about us getting married recently. What do you say?'

As Rona chuckle at his teasing, she gently slaps his shoulders and glances at him with her signature sly smile.

'Jung YoonOh, you better not be joking.... Once I agree to marry you, just know that you'll be my slave forever. My oppa' s and unnie will never let you go if you do something dumb.'

The table soon erupts in laughter as they all observe YoonOh' s reaction.

From the corner of his eye, Wonwoo slightly and sneakily glares at the male giving off a warning sign.

It honestly scared the shit out of him.

Jung YoonOh, has been dating Bae Rona since 2026. He had always been a loyal friend to her and her family, even respecting her choices when she rejected him for the 1st time and the 2nd time he attempted courtship.

He was the typical handsome bachelor who's looks could kill. Also a heir and the current CEO of his father's company, he is one of the most famous and youngest entrepreneurs in the world.

'So how's the company doing? I heard from my private secretary that you'll be doing a gala with a partner company soon. Which company is it?'

The elder Jung asks as he sips the whiskey slowly and looks at the Bae siblings.

Wonwoo smirks and replies

'It's a Korean company that we've been partners with before. They are planning to promote music scholarship, knowing how our lqte father and late stepmother have such passion with music. Likewise all 4 of us also have deep connections with it... We decided to hold a charity gala to earn more support for young kids who don't have the privilege to study. '

Continuing Wonwoo's statement, JooHyun puts down her spoon in a flash and meets eyes with Chairman Jung.

' The company we'll be collaborating with is ShimWoon Company from South Korea. '

At the words 'ShimWoon Company', a tensed silence clouds over the table.

Rona and YoonOh had yet to notice as they were in their own little world chatting away and joking around.

From the corner of his eye, Chairman Jung turns to check Rona and crosses eyes with the 3 elder Bae's in a suspicious and worried gaze.

SeungCheol nods and silently mouths to Chairman Jung and his wife.

'We'll explain later'

As the elder couple nod at his quiet remark, the food soon starts to be served.

Soon the group all forget about the seriousness of their conversation just a few seconds ago and start filling their empty stomachs while conversing about their daily lives.

It was as if they were one big happy family. Here's a thing you might have to know about the Bae family....

The Bae Family is one of the richest and most famous families in the world.

A lot of people regard them as snobbish and arrogant, they aren't but there are tons of  times... when they don't even bat an eye at random people.

After going through a lot of trauma, the family of four only had few close acquaintances.

The Jung family was one of those rare family friends of the Bae's. After the death of their father, YoonOh's parents stood up to be parent figures of all 4 siblings.

In any way, it was indeed right to call the 2 familes the elite of the elite of the elites. Which meant one thing, they were much richer and much more powerful than the average rich people.

After their dinner, YoonOh and Rona excused themselves and left first to go on a late night date.

Although, they didn't leave without a warning from Rona's brothers to bring her home before midnight.

As the couple left the French restaurant, the bright mood soon changes into a tensed and gloomy air.

Chairman Jung gently puts his cutlery down and looks up at SeungCheol with a rather serious face.

'What do you mean your partnering with ShimWoon Company? Elaborate.... Is it that ShimWoon Company I'm thinking about?'

SeungCheol sighs and nods, but before anyone could comment Wonwoo speaks up.

'But don't worry samchon (uncle).... Rona will not be attending the gala that day. She'll be boarding a flight to Italy with YoonOh for a upcoming concert.'

The elder Jung releases a breathe of relief and nods in understanding as Wonwoo continued.

'It's gonna go okay samchon.... Just like what happened 3 years ago, this time I won't make the same mistake anymore... No one will dare hurt our sister again.'

The restaurant seemed to have freezed, the rest of the group could only process SeungCheol's reassurance.

What actually happened 3 years ago? We may never know...

But what was indeed clear, was that the family held hatred and resentment towards something that happened in the past.

Notes :

What happened 3 years ago?
Why do the Bae family hate the Hera gang so much?

And yasss, I gave Rona a hot af bf.


But has Rona moved on? What the heck... What about our Seokhoon?

Happy Reading ✨


Saudade // Bae Rona × Joo Seokhoon AU 🌃✨🖤Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora