1// We Let Her Go

826 35 20

Year 2023
Seoul, South Korea
Madrid Hotel

'We appreciate your kind invitation for my brother and I but... We didn't agree to go there just for a mere business partnership Mr. Lee....'

The young and charismatic male comments as he glances at Logan from the screen who looked at him with a confused and questioning look.

' Mr. Lee, I think you know very well what I'm talking about. '

There was a tensed silence as the other male finally came into the frame and nods at Logan.

'Our younger sister.... My brother and I want to make it clear to you that the business partnership doesn't mean much to us. We're heading there next week to get our sister back.'

Logan sighs and clasps his hands together, gathering all his confidence. He plasters on a rather stoic and forced smile towards the 2 males from his laptop screen.

' CEO Bae.... President Bae, I understand that you are both upset that no one informed your family of Rona's situation howev---'

But even before Logan could finish, The elder Bae brother raised his voice and cut him off.

'AND WHAT...? All this time we thought Rona was happily attending school there... And only when I had to hire a private investigator after getting no information do we have to found out that YoonHee Eomma has died and all this time our sister has been surrounded by some psychotic jerks and witches? '

At his sudden outburst, Logan was tight lipped and only looked down as he felt embarrassed and unable to reply.

Calmly taking the seat from his older brother, Bae Wonwoo took the laptop and finally spoke as he crosses eyes with the elder one across the office table.

'Mr. Lee.... I want you to know one thing. Rona may not be related to us by blood. But we grew up together and she will forever be our youngest sister. My older siblings and I have found it rather hard that no one has informed us of her situation. As her legal guardians, we're using our rights and taking her back here for good. '

With that single statement, the screen goes black as the Bae brothers end the call in their signature cold aura.

Logan closes the laptop with a sigh and leans on his chair with a tired expression.

Silently massaging his forehead, he closes his eyes as he contemplates about what to do next.

'Is something wrong? Did the meeting not go well?'

Logan looks up to find Suryeon who had abruptly made an entrance into his suite.

It was just a week after the destruction of Hera Palace. Smiling gently at his fiancee, Logan shakes his head and urges her to sit across him.

' Bae SeungCheol and Bae Wonwoo will be personally coming to South Korea next week.'

Taking the tea from the coffee table, Suryeon gently pours herself some and replies.

'The Bae brothers will personally come? That's odd... They aren't the type  to travel just for a mere partnership.'

Nodding at her statement, Logan's face changes into a stoic expression in a flash.

'That's because their coming to take Rona.'

The sound of liquid meeting the marble coffee table fills the suite in a flash as Suryeon spills the hot tea accidentally after Logan's abrupt revelation.

Jolting up to quickly check on his fiancee, Logan kneels down to help wipe the hot tea from her dress.

'Are you okay? I'll ask the maid to get you new clothes.'

But before he could even leave, Suryeon grips on her fiancée's hands and looks up at him with a serious gaze.

'What do you mean?'

Sighing and gently squeezing Suryeon's hands for comfort. Logan finally explains.

'The Bae family isn't happy at all with what's happened. Bae SeungCheol hired a private investigator to follow and keep tabs on Rona.... Apparently they don't know much about what's been happening until recently. Now that YoonHee is gone.... They are claiming Rona back .... I don't think we can do anything anymore....You know how dangerous it is to go against the Bae family. '

Slumping onto the cushion of her seat, Suryeon buries her face in her hands and nods in frustration.

Clearly she knew and understood...

The Bae family were very famous, despite their parents passing away early. All 3 siblings made names for themselves.

The patriarch, Bae HyunCheol was one of the most famous conductors of his time.... Also a billionaire, he was a warm hearted man who loved all 4 of his children.... That includes Rona, although he soon succumbed to death due to critical illness.

Rona's older step-siblings were all fully accomplished and connected to the world of music.

Despite their cold and arrogant aura, there was one thing that was much more important than money and fame.... Family.

The 3 elder Bae's also held special feelings for their youngest sibling. Despite not having even a drop of same blood or connection, they had always made it clear that she would always be their precious youngest and anyone who dare lay their hands on her would be subject to danger.

Looking up at Logan with a frustrated and pained expression....

Suryeon speaks with a hushed voice.

'What do we do now?'

Logan sighs and finally replies after a few seconds.

'We let her go.'

For the remaining afternoon, Suryeon and Logan conversed about what they could do or what was needed to be prepared.... But nothing seemed to have any logic or whatsover.

Logan understood, that this time they had no power and right. The only thing that they could do was to let go of Rona and let her leave this cruel life for good.

Notes :

In this story, I'll make all of you hate and love the Bae family.

Their all hot, rich and soon.... Their personalities will be revealed.

Yayyyy, a new bookkkkk
I decided to do this after accidentally watching a video compilation of Rona suffering from S1 to S3.

She's gonna be a rich b*tch heree

This au is a revenge, rich people genre hence don't expect so much fluff here.

This follows Penthouse S3EP13 when Rona is about to depart for New York, my version is with a twist.

What if Rona has a loving Step family who truly cares and loves her... But at the same time are scary af.

This story will switch between time, so make sure to look at the header 💫

Updates will be slow until I finish After Hera. 💖

Love all of your support ❤️✨🥳

Happy Reading 💫


Saudade // Bae Rona × Joo Seokhoon AU 🌃✨🖤Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ