3// The End For Us

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Year 2023
Seoul, South Korea
Madrid Hotel

Rona lays in the hotel suite as she scans her phone for new updates. Everyone had decided to rest for the day in the comforts of the hotel Logan reserved for them.

The mental trauma and shock of the destruction of Hera Palace had affected all of them so much that it took at least a week for all the residents and people involved to process what had actually happened.

Staring up at the white ceiling, Rona contemplates about her blurry future until her phone rings.

As she accepts the call, a familiar warm and elder voice greets her. Rona smiles as she sits up and replies.

'Secretary Kim.... How long has it been?'

The middle aged man nods unconsciously as he listens to the female's voice.

'It's indeed been a long time since I last spoke to our dear young miss.... I'm sure you have grown much.'

Chuckling at his comment, Rona grins and replies with her bright voice.

'But why would you call me suddenly? Is there anything wrong?'

As she waits for a reply, the middle aged man's voice changes into a hushed and serious tone.

'Young miss... I have to inform you about something extremely important....'

There was a tensed silence for a few seconds on the other line until he finally explains.

'The masters and miss have found out about your situation... Chairman Bae is extremely furious about what's happened. I'm calling on his orders to inform you of your departure from South Korea.'

Confused and flustered at the newly revealed information. Rona replies with her ever so puzzled voice.

' What are you talking about? My departure from South Korea??? '

The elder sighed as he nods and speaks up.

' Young Miss.... Your elder siblings have decided to bring you back here to the US for good. Please expect a phone call from the young masters soon.... For now, please do stay put and stay safe. '

As the phone call ends, Rona slumps down the headboard of the huge hotel bed and processes all the newly collected information.

Glancing at the dark night view of Seoul, she sighs and whispers to herself.

' I guess the day's finally came huh? Am I even ready to leave this place behind ?'

Year 2023
New York, USA
Bae Estate

Make sure that everything will be perfect... Rona will be returning with us permanently and I will make sure she never gets hurt ever again.'

The suited man bows politely at the handsome and young CEO who sat charismatically on his luxurious and heavy Mahogany chair.

Sighing as his personal secretary left, the 2 bachelors crossed eyes with each other and shared a slight smirk.

' Those high class bastards dare hurt our sister.... They probably don't know who they will be dealing with yet.'

The young ceo stood up and silently held the Whiskey glass on his right hand, swiftly sitting on the huge table he smiles in a rather naughty way.

' Calm down brother.... They'll know soon once we introduce ourselves. Logan Lee still doesn't know we're coming to take our sister.... And I'm so excited to see their reactions.'

Nodding his head, the other bachelor sips his wine until his phone rings.

Finally pressing the green accept icon,  the frowns and smirks were soon replaced by a grin and chuckle.

The tensed room suddenly brightens at the entrance of the familiar and sweet female voice.

'Oppa... I heard from Secretary Kim that you'd be coming to South Korea. Why are you both coming when I specifically said... I'll be fine.'

The 2 young men chuckle at their sister's slight scolding and adorable voice.

Sighing, the young ceo took the phone from his brother and finally spoke.

' Rona yah... Pack all your things. Your oppa's will be coming to take you home soon. '


Year 2023
Seoul, South Korea
Madrid Hotel

A few days after Rona was informed of her possible departure, she was summoned to Logan' s suite.

Sitting across from Suryeon and Logan, she observes the expressions of the 2 elders and speaks.

'I understand that my brothers have probably informed you of my departure to the US next week.... And I don't want to make it into a hard decision for the both of you....

I will be leaving with my brothers next week. So don't feel to bad Ajhumma, ssaem. I don't have anything to stay for anyway, it's only right that I go back to my family once and for all. '

Glancing at the younger female, a tear trickles down Suryeon' s face as she stands to sit beside Rona.

No words were exchanged after that, Suryeon gently pulled the younger female into a warm and motherly hug.

At this moment, Logan realized....

Rona had finally gave up, she didn't want to stay in this hell hole anymore.

Gone was the persistent and strong Bae Rona..... what would replace her would now depend on her future.

There was nothing wrong with Rona leaving and finally staying with her family, the only thing that worried Logan was that they would finally lose connection and become strangers.

After all... The Bae Family was famous and notorious for being a bunch of rich snobs.

'I'm sorry Rona yah... Ajhumma can't do anything again. Just live your life well and make sure to contact us and update us frequently. You know that you would always be like a daughter to me right?'

Rona nods as she softly pats Suryeon's shoulders to reassure her.

Sighing, Rona soon retired to her suite that day.

Scanning the packed luggages, she picks up a familiar blue dog keychain and smiles.

Unbeknownst to her, a tear had escaped her eyes.

'I guess this really is the end for us.'

Saudade // Bae Rona × Joo Seokhoon AU 🌃✨🖤Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora