chapter thirteen

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Arman didn't dare to share the story with anyone. All he wanted was to be the awfully horrible man he was before. He wanted to be the monster everyone feared, not the boy who felt things he couldn't describe. Code 143. Three words, eight letters and one meaning. That's all he wanted to tell her. But she, Parisa Elaheh the Queen of Persia, and the wife of Arman Sassanian, was too intimidating for him.

Unlike every other morning, he walked towards Parisa's room in order to speak with her. He needed the feeling out of his heart. He stood at the door, contemplating every decision, and just as he was about to give up and leave, someone opened the door from inside. He immediately looked up to see her. The most beautiful girl he had ever seen. His wife. His life. And everything more. She looked at him in embarrassment but allowed him to walk in without a word. As the elephant in the room got bigger by the minute, they both stood there silently.

"Do you need something?" she asked him, finally breaking the deafening silence. Everything in the world was meant to be broken. From silences to hearts. The aim was to shatter them as a whole and live another day to speak the story. He didn't answer. Instead, he stood there like a foolish boy devouring her beauty. She stood there in front of him, with nothing but her silk night gown.

"Arman?" she asked him again. His attention suddenly turned to her as he realised, he had been staring at her for too long. He cleared his throat trying to remember why he walked to her room. Did he want to speak with her, or did he just want to see her?

What is happening with me? He asked himself nervously.

"Can I take you somewhere today? Before the party that is," he spoke clearly yet not so clear. A lump was in his throat making every single word a different tone. She looked at him in confusion, raising her eyebrow. Her mind was unsure, but in the end, she decided to ignore the night before and the little moment they shared. And this, was a good opportunity to get some fresh air.

"No," she answered, but before he could argue, she continued, "I'm going to take you somewhere, and you are going to come with me," she finished. He was gawking at her words. No one had ever taken him anymore, or as a matter of fact, disagreed with his request. He nodded carefully, obeying to every single one of her requests.

Behind the door, peaking through the gap, Azin watched them carefully. A smile widened on her mouth as they silently talked to each other. Their words weren't speaking the truth, but their actions were, and Azin saw it all. She saw every single detail. She saw how he would fiddle with his hands when he was around Parisa. She saw how Parisa's face reddened when he was in the same room as her. After all, three words, eight letters and one sentence weren't too hard to see.

Parisa sent Arman out of the room so she could get ready for her day out with the King of Persia. Azin moved away from the door leaning on the wall, awaiting the Shah's arrival. When he walked outside, he flinched a little as Azin appeared out of nowhere.

"My Shah," she said with the biggest smirk and that's when he knew she had seen everything. She had seen it all, from the very first day. Arman nodded at her in embarrassment, still standing in front of the door. Awkwardly, they both stood there unsure what to say, so instead they kept silent. After a few ongoing minutes, Parisa opened the door to reveal herself in ragged clothing. Even in clothes like that she looks stunning.

"What are you wearing?" Arman asked her with uncertainty. She laughed at his expression. His mouth was wide open and his eyes even wider. Without warning, she threw him a bunch of ragged male clothing and to her surprise he caught them all.

"Go wear it!" she told him while pushing him into the room. At that, Azin couldn't hold in her laughter.

"May I ask you where you are going?" Azin asked in laughter. A laughter full of joy. It was then that Parisa realised Azin had been standing there the whole time.

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