chapter twenty-nine

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Days went by, and things were better. Darya had finally given up on her grudge, and she had finally forgiven Arman. A happy family once more. News had come in that the Romans had accepted the peace letter, just like they had expected.

"They have accepted out peace treaty, and they have invited us to their biggest party ever," Jalal informed them. A smiled illuminated upon Parisa face. She couldn't help but feel accomplished. She was finally gaining revenge. Once they had received the letter, Parisa had seen Roman guards scattered around the palace, spying on the kingdom. They were going to break the peace treaty, and so finishing the war once and for all was the only chance they had of survival.

"When is the party?" Parisa asked.

"In a week. If we are to attend it, we need to leave tomorrow. It will take us at least four days to get there," Jalal answered. Arman looked at Parisa with an approving glance. Even though he didn't show it, he felt proud that she was beside him. He felt free that for once someone believed him. Believed that he had no control over the death of all those women. That every morning when he would go into the chamber hoping to see the woman alive, he would find her dead and covered in blood. What he didn't tell her was that the night he went to visit her, he felt something different. Something about her was different to the rest. A part of him knew that the next morning she wouldn't be dead.

"Alright then, get the helpers ready and make sure the army knows. We need about 50 soldiers. We will leave first thing tomorrow," Arman announced as a final. Everyone obeyed. This was the start of a new war.

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