chapter nine

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part one: dusk

Afshin and Emir had their plans perfectly inline. But they couldn't help the nerves. If they were to find Afshin and Emir after they escape, they would be executed without a thought. And that would mean that the Shah would have one. Afshin wasn't going to allow that to happen. He was in love, and he would do anything for Parisa. And now almost past midnight, he wondered what Parisa would be feeling like. He wondered if she was alright. He questioned and questioned his thoughts. No answer. Only one question messed with his thoughts.

Why had Parisa given up on their love?

Was she bored of their commoner life? Or did she fall out of love? Why hadn't she told him about her choices? All these questions, and yet not one single answer calmed his heart. He could almost hear his own heartbeat: thud, thud, thud. It was beating consistently in a perfect rhythm that could create a dance. Afshin still had no plan on how he was going to kill the Shah, or how he was going to retrieve Parisa, but he held onto his hopes.

"You ready man?" Emir whispered, from the bottom bunk. Tonight, was the night they were going to escape. They needed to be out before dawn. Afshin gave him an unsure look, stuck in the dilemma of his own heart. Am I? he wanted to ask aloud. He wanted to yell those same two words over and over again, but he bit his tongue and instead he nodded.

"We need to be out before dawn Emir," Afshin explained once more. But Emir had already heard the plan almost twenty times. If he could speak it, he would. He had memorised every loving detail. What he wasn't quite sure of was why he had volunteered to escape with Afshin. Was it the pain in his heart, or the desire to live a new life without war? Whatever the answer was, it was buried deep within his heart. The heart no one knew about.

Emir had only known Afshin for a month. And in this month, he had become closer than any other being. But not quite as close. It wasn't because he didn't want to, but rather the fact that he couldn't. He couldn't afford being close to anyone. Whether it was a friendship, like his and Afshins, or a lover whom he was to meet. Whatever it was, he avoided it. Both, slowly dragged their bags outside the tent, checking for any night shifters. The night was calmer than any dead heartbeat, and scarier than any death. It was too quiet to be real, even so, they tiptoed towards the main gates. At the main gates, stood four men in complete armour, accompanied by sharp swords. Both Emir and Afshin, wore a Neghab to cover their faces from being seen.

Just like their plan, Emir threw a rock almost a few meters away from the soldiers. And just as expected, they turned their attention towards the small little rock. Using their chance, the boys ran right outside the main gate, not daring to look behind them. But they knew someone had seen them, mainly because of the yelling.

"Stop right there!" one soldier yelled repeatedly. As they ran further and further away, the soldiers' voices trailed off with all the memories at the war. And successfully so, they had finally done it. They were out and free; not safe. For what seemed like miles and miles, they ran, their heartbeats matching with every step. After hours, they came to a stop, right in the middle of the jungle. Or what was once a jungle. The trees had burnt down, and the grass was dry. All the aftermath of an unnecessary war caused by a foolish king.

Once more, Afshin's mind travelled to Parisa as he watched the dawn arrive. Stay alive for me, he pleaded. He needed her to stay alive, because if she didn't, he would no longer be himself. Afshin knew exactly what kind of a man the Shah was. A man of true evil. A man that held no mercy for women and children. A man who murdered for pure entertainment. His stomach turned to the thought of Parisa being hurt in the Shah's unwilling hands. Would he really hurt her? If not, then why did he keep her alive? No, no more questions. He is evil and his only intention is to hurt people. He doesn't love Parisa and Parisa doesn't love him, he attempted to convince himself. Some part of him, believed it. But the other part was unconvinced. He knew how naïve Parisa was, and he didn't trust the king. Please don't fall in love with him, he begged the stars. Please.

Parisa was confused at Arman's response. She had won that fight, fair and square. Yet he refused to allow her. All she wanted from him, was to help with the war. She knew she could help. She knew how to save her people and all she wanted was to share that with him. You are so foolish to think he would allow you of such thing, she reminded herself.

"No," he repeated himself, only for Parisa to throw her hands up in frustration.

"I won that fair and square. You have to allow me," she stated.

"I don't have to do anything. I am the Shah," he said in a non-expressive tone.

"And I am the Shahbanu," she yelled reminding him of her position. He suddenly glanced up at her with anger. He moved closer and closer to her staring deep into her eyes. Almost as if he could read her thoughts. He stared at her with his dangerously evil eyes. Each blink felt like a dagger in Parisa's body. Each buried with deep pain and meaning.

"I am the one who kept you alive, don't you forget that. I can so easily kill you right here," he threatened her, in a raspy voice that send millions of shivers down Parisa's body. He was holding onto her wrist, almost crushing ever bone. She could feel the blood stopping. The flow of blood had stopped completely to her arm.

"Then do it," she snarled, so close to him she could feel his breathe. He was angry. And she had never seen him this angry. Finally, you are showing your true colours, my shah, she thought. "Do. It," she repeated, this time with a hint of vengeance in her voice, "you kill everyday so why is this so hard? Just do it. You should have done it the first night," she spat. Leile was whimpering in the corner, unable to watch such thing. Jahandar kept a stern eye on Arman, willing to see but unwilling to feel. He quietly sent the soldiers away only leaving the four of them in the massive hallway. Arman held his gaze, unable to break away from her eyes. Your eyes my dear, that's why, he wanted to say aloud. Your eyes are too familiar for me, he wanted to say. But instead, he continued holding his devilish gaze. He finally let go of her wrist, still standing in front of her. He could hear her heartbeat. But he couldn't tell what she was feeling. It was fear and it wasn't anger. Something much stronger. Something so strong she was willing to die for it.

"You are weaker than I imagined," she confessed out of spite. But she didn't regret it. She meant every word.

"Your wish is my command, this was your last dawn," he claimed, moving away from her whilst avoiding the magnetic pull that wanted to pull him back to her again. Suddenly, Parisa began regretting everything. But she couldn't allow herself to show weakness. She needed to seem like she was feeling fine. She needed to be brave for her family's sake. For Afshin's sake. Even if it meant lying to herself. Even if it meant lying to her heart.

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