chapter nineteen

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When Parisa opened her eyes, she saw the same darkness once more. But this time, she could see the sun through the curtains. Infront of her stood two figures. One she knew too well, and she other was a stranger to her.

"Parisa," the girl called out. She didn't respond, "Parisa, please say something," she begged her. That's when Parisa knew who the voice belonged to. Azin was in front of her, pressing on Parisa's wound. Beside her was Emir. The boy she had meant only tonight. Her eyes tirelessly scanned the room in hope to see him. But he wasn't there. Her Arman wasn't there to save her this time.

"Azin..." Parisa whispered back in pain. Azin's face lit up in joy. Her face was glowing in the sun beam. She smiled a smile so pure. Beside her Emir let out a sigh of relief in her survival. Although Parisa had no idea why Emir was helping her, she appreciated. But she also despised it. She despised how a stranger wanted to help but someone who knew her didn't. Someone who had felt the curves of her body. Someone who knew her too well. But yet again he was nowhere in sight.

With the help of each other, they picked her up, carefully taking her out of the room. She wondered if Arman knew she was injured. But her lungs were giving out. Her breathing was becoming harder. The pain on her stomach was almost unbearable. She squirmed in pain. After a few minutes of struggles, they managed to take her to her own room. They gently placed her on the bed calling the doctor in.

Parisa couldn't clearly hear Azin's conversation with the doctor but the only clear sentence she heard was the most heartbreaking.

"Does the Shah know about this?" the doctor asked curiously.

"No," Azin answered, "please keep it between us until she is better," she warned him. She then nodded, walking towards Parisa once more. She held her hands tight for support. Parisa squeezed her hand so hard, she could feel Azin's bones crushing. As she squeezed her hand harder, she felt some of the pain disappear.

"Do you hear me," Azin silently asked Parisa. Parisa nodded unable to speak, "I have to leave, but the doctor will stitch you up. You will feel better, my queen," Azin informed Parisa who was barely keeping her eyes open. Parisa didn't say anything, but Azin knew she understood, and so she stood up to leave the room. Outside the room, her and Emir waited for the doctor to finish his job. They could hear her screams through the walls. Heartbreaking.

"She isn't going to die, is she?" Emir asked in fright. No matter how use to he was to death, he still felt the nerves when someone was sick. Azin nodded and thanked him for his help, but he couldn't hold the question in anymore, "I can't believe Afshin did that. Where is the Shah?" he asked.

"I have no idea, but I hope he shows up soon. Her heart will break if he doesn't. He doesn't even know Parisa is hurt," she answered him. But Emir was somehow distracted by Azin's beauty. She too was Turkish, just like him. They shared similar facial features. From their coloured eyes to their face shapes. But she was tremendously beautiful to him, but before she could notice him, he looked away. A smiled to himself. It was the start of a new story. He was smiling, and she was melting. They had only just met each other, but their hearts were already connected in some way they couldn't see or feel.

The sun was fully in the sky when the doctor came out. It was morning. A morning like no other. The rain was drumming against the windows and the cloud ruled over the lands. When he came out, the two rushed in, in hope to see their queen. Their queen who was abandoned by her king.

As five days nearly went on silently, Parisa stayed in her room all by herself. For five days and four nights, Arman hadn't come to see her. He wasn't even aware of the incident that had happened. The scars on her arms were healing slowly, but healing with time. Time healed everything but a broken heart. She wanted to ask where Arman was, but she bit her tongue. Maybe Zaida was a better woman for him. Her wound was already looking better.

Every day, she spent her day locked in her own room. Not because she was locked in there, but because she had locked herself in. She didn't want to face anyone. Or anything. Casually, she would stand outside on her balcony, hoping to see the people. Hoping to see the massive crows of the bazaar, but the distance was too much, and the cracks were too big.

But today, she had wanted to leave her room. She had finally decided to make an entrance once more. She wanted to fulfill her brother's requests. Revenge. She carefully wore her gown, making sure the sleeves covered her scars. She wore a gone in all black, whilst wearing her crown. The crown itself was light, it was the head that carried the crown that was heavy. A head heavy from thoughts.

When she stepped outside the room, she held her head up high like Arman had once told her. She looked down at anyone in her way. If one was to survive, no weakness must be present. Im lost, she wanted to scream so loud even the ghosts would hear it. In the corner of her eye, she saw Jahandar. This was the first time she had seen him in days. She carefully made her to his. Before he could greet her, she began speaking.

"Do you know where Vasir Jalaledin is?" she asked in anger. He didn't answer. "Jahandar please answer my question," she warned him.

"No Shahbanu," he answered, "he disappeared after the party and we have no idea where he is," he confessed. Jahandar could feel the fuming anger in her voice. She was shaking when he noticed the scar on her neck. He carefully examined it noticing it was fresh. A cut made from a blade. A dagger to be precise. And only a Vasirs dagger was this sharp. And it was then that he knew. He knew it all. From the way she questioned, to the way she hid her scars. Jalal had done that to her, and no one knew.

"Did he do that?" he carefully asked, pointing at her scar. She quickly covered it with her hands, hiding it from him.

"If you tell anyone, I swear I will kill you myself," she threatened him. A threat so harsh, Jahandar didn't answer. He just obeyed and nodded in agreement. When he walked away, Parisa wanted to run. She wanted to run away, but instead she went back to her room. She needed to breath once more. She carefully sat on the edge of her bed when the doors slammed open.

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