ii. night two

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As the night slowly arrived and the dark skies danced across the shadow silhouettes, Parisa finally went back to her chambers, ready to see the Shah once more to finish her story. No matter how long she waited, no one opened the massive doors to her room, so instead, she laid her head onto the silk-covered pillows, drifting off into a deep sleep.

It wasn't long after midnight that Arman finally arrived. He opened the doors, but this time much quieter and calmer than the night before. He turned his head towards Parisa who had her eyes completely shut, dreaming a dream. For minutes or what even seemed like years, he observed her calm face. But even in her sleep, she wasn't fully comfortable about being in the palace. And that was Arman's curse, because no matter who it was, no one ever felt comfortable or at home beside him. They all slept at night praying they would live to see another day. He wanted to hear the rest of the story. He wanted to learn the fate of the selfish and arrogant brother. The one to who Arman resembled himself to. He wanted to know if there was any hope for becoming kinder, but he knew better than that. Once a monster will always be a monster.

He silently sat on the chair beside Parisa's bed, still looking at her picture-perfect face. She was beautiful, just like the moon. And just like the moon, she was surrounded by billions of willing stars. It was only the girl in front of him who had dared to question Arman. It was only her. It was always her. The girl is as beautiful as the moon. His moon. And just like that, Parisa opened her eyes making direct eye contact with the man beside her. He looked calm tonight, but a monster no less. She quickly positioned herself upright, leaning on the bed frame once more.

"Are you here to hear the rest of the story," she asked him, with a voice still dry from sleep. He looked her dead in the eyes and nodded. She too nodded in return before breaking her gaze. In some way, Arman felt empty once more when her caramel eyes faded from view. The chocolate swirls and caramel rivers in her eyes filled every empty spot in his heart. The very same heart people accused him of not having. And so, the stories began once more.

"No longer after Kazim left his brother trapped within the cave of wonders, Alibaba heard the gallop of horses nearby. With speed, he hid in the corner of the cave, away from direct sight. Once more, the cave doors opened to reveal all forty thieves. Their swords were strapped around their hips and their armour was as bright as light. Once the men walked into the cave, they noticed all their treasure had disappeared. With frustration and anger, they searched and searched everywhere in the cave for a clue until they finally found Alibaba in the corner. One of the men grabbed Alibaba by the arm and took him to the leader of the pack. The leader, who was the most among all, observed Alibaba with great vision. For what seemed like hours, he asked and asked more questions," Parisa stopped to look at Arman who seemed very focused.

"The leader asked: 'You thief, what have you done with my gold?'. Alibaba felt ashamed and betrayed by his brother. 'Sir I was not the one who stole your gold. It was my brother; however, I will not tell you where he is. I love my brother dearly,' Alibaba answered. Out of the kindness in his heart, Alibaba did not dare to rat his brother out. He was never as selfish as Kazim to do something like that. And so, he remained silent. For days, they kept him in the without food or water. And for days, Alibaba wished and begged the Huma bird to save him,"

"What a stupid man," Arman confessed. He wasn't wrong about Alibaba being stupid, but he sure accused him too early.

"My Shah, never judge a man who carries kindness and empathy in his heart," Parisa reminded him. Only a reminder like that could break a heart of stone. Only a reminder like that can remind a man of how cruel and undeserving he is.

"On day ten, the leader threatened Alibaba once more and told him if he didn't tell the thieves where the gold is, he would kill Alibaba's young wife. And out of choice, Alibaba agreed to such an act. Because life to him without love meant a stone-cold river filled with blood. When Alibaba took the thieves to his family home, he went to his brother's house only to find it empty. Feeling betrayed and tricked, the leader decides to kill Alibaba's wife. A sweet innocent soul murdered in darkness. Hot for revenge, Alibaba escaped finding his cruel and unloving brother. A brother who betrayed him so easily. Weeks later, he heard from the townspeople that Kazim was now a rich merchant who could buy and sell the Shah all together. Unknown to Alibaba, the forty thieves followed him trail by trail in the hope to find their gold once more," Parisa stopped once more to see Arman's eyes closed.

As she waited for a few moments, she realised he had fallen asleep. So calm and peaceful he was. Parisa walked on her tiptoes towards Arman with a blanket to throw over him, knowing that someone as cold as him wouldn't get colder. She could do it right now. She could murder him and finish this, but instead, her mind travelled back to her mother. Her mother had told her that blood should not be paid by blood, because that is just as bad as the sin itself and Parisa was not a sinner. So instead, she backed away and sat on her bed once more.

"No man is good, and no man is bad my Shah," she whispers ever so quietly, "It is who you choose to be that's important. Because no one is born good or evil. We are all the same until we choose who we want to be. Make your choice, maybe one day the Huma bird will fly over your head too," she continued. Taking one last glance at his peaceful body, she placed her head onto the same silk pillow falling back into a deeper sleep. And it was then that dawn had arrived for the second time. 

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