Harry and his lawyer made brief eye contact exchanging the same disgusted look, he and Harry are actually college buddies who are very much alike in terms of personality

After his father was arrested ,which Harry was more than positive was going to happen, he invited Frank (his lawyer) for dinner with them at a very nice restaurant not too far from here


Franck nodded "thank you your honor" he stepped around the table causally "I feel as though I don't really need to argue anything here" he looked toward the jury and offered a polite smile "It's pretty obvious to see the situation, the way he feels toward his son, future daughter-in-law, and grandchild" he paced slightly "he had come to their home uninvited just like he had come to the hospital for their daughter's birth also uninvited which inevitably ,for the safety of all parties, he was made to leave"

he froze in place "please bare in mind this is all after he knew what he had been 'accused' of doing" he pouted slightly "to me that sounds like a man who is working in the opposite of the best interest of my clients" he sighed softly "I believe our evidence proves ,without a shadow of a doubt, that Mr.Edward had intended to commit grievous bodily harm to one Ms.Dixon" he turned pointing to the almost all too innocent woman who was rocking side to side to soothe her baby he nodded and looked to the judge n' jury one last time "I trust the case can unfold itself with what we've provided, thank you" he slipped back behind his table standing straight beside Harry

The judge nodded "the jury will now leave to deliberate" he slammed his gavel the court went for recess people started to buzz around the room Harry went straight to Alexis Nelly had started to whine a bit

it was feeding time

Harry took off his jacket and laid it over her chest and the baby so she could feed in peace

The lawyer stepped beside them "I think an hour tops" Alexis hummed

"If that" Frank laughed

Harry nodded "I was thinking of wine with our dinner, you like wine? DaMerio has a rather vast selection"

"Mmm I'm no wine snob but I do enjoy a glass now and then"

"You fancy a red? A white?" Harry hummed

"I'm partial to white"

"Mmm I know the perfect bottle" Harry nodded then looked down Alexis "pass her to me when you're done and I'll burp her"

Alexis puckered and Harry leaned down giving her a kiss Frank shook his head "never thought I'd see the day that Harry would be giving puppy dog eyes to someone"

Harry looked back at him "I mean look at my girl" he put a hand on Alexis's back "who wouldn't want that?"

Frank nodded "touché"

After about an hour the jury came back Harry still was holding the Baby as everyone settled the judge looked at the jury "have you reached a verdict?"

"We have your honor" the man said standing with a card Harry and Alexis looked at Edward not wanting to miss his reaction "we the jury find Mr.Edward Styles guilty of all charges"

Edward's jaw dropped he slammed his hands on the table standing "That is RIDICULOUS!" He shouted

"ORDER" The judge hissed "there will be not outburst in this court"

"But I didn't even hurt her!"

"Well I feel like it was sufficiently proven that you were going to" the judge licked over his teeth with a click "with that I sentence you to 30 years and 20 without chance of parole" he slammed his gavel

Edward looked toward Harry and Alexis who were hugging and kissing he looked toward his own lawyer mumbling a stern 'fuck you' as he was handcuffed by the officers

The couple watched him be escorted out Harry looked between Alexis and Frank "I don't know about you but I am famished" he chuckled

"Don't you want to tell your father goodbye?" Frank teased

"More like good riddance"

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