78|But What About Me?

Start from the beginning

I raised my eyebrows "I don't know her as well as you do so I have no idea how mean she could be to a pregnant woman"

"Right" she mumbled "well we can leave anytime we want" she nodded and started toward the door her hand still in mine bringing me with her

She opened the door Melissa and her mother had moved away from it her mother turned to look at us and I watched her eyes drop straight to Alexis's stomach

Melissa gasped "Alexis..."

Alexis smiled weakly "surprise Im pregnant"she still sounded excited even if her face didn't show it

"I see that" she nodded "why?"

I frowned as Alexis laughed "Uh what do you mean why? You know the birds and the bees Melissa you have 2 kids you know why"

"Well I mean... you're not married"

Alexis tilted her head "what?" The edge in her voice was sharp enough to cut glass

"You're not married"

"You're joking" Alexis shook her head "you were unmarried and six-fucking-teen for your first kid Melissa"

"Then you should know better" her mother added "she was young she didn't know any better you're older you should have your life together and you should be intelligent not to make that mistake" she crossed her arms

Alexis nodded "okay I see how this night is going to go" she looked up at me "can you pick up McDonald's on the way home? I want to go straight home my back hurts"

I couldn't bite my tongue "you just can't be happy for her can you?" I looked between Melissa and her mother

Melissa frowned "of course I'm happy for her, she's great with children"

"Then how about you tell her that instead of criticizing her? Just because we aren't married doesn't mean I don't love her and it sure as fuck doesn't mean I can't provide for her or also speaks nothing on her intelligence"

"Harry it's really not worth it please let's just go" Alexis tugged my hand trying to get me to leave with her

Melissa scoffed "I'm not worth it?"

"Is that what I said?" Alexis hissed

"That's what you implied" her mother cut in "just because you got your hooks into a man with money doesn't make you any less trashy, just proves all the wrong girls get the best things"

"My sister is grown she can speak for herself Janet" Alexis completely disregarded her turning away "let's go"

"So I cooked for nothing?!" Melissa yelled

"And we came for nothing" Alexis answered opening the door

"See! This is exactly what I'm talking about! No wonder her mother didn't want her, I can see why! I'd be-" Alexis slammed the door closed

I felt bad- All of that could have been avoided if I just kept my mouth shut

"I'll meet you at home" she groaned letting my hand go for the first time since she got here

"I'm sorry" I apologized trying to grab her hand again

"I'm just... I'm tired" she didn't take my hand she got back into her car and drove off

I got in my car and rolled my jaw "FUCK FUCK FUCK" I shouted and punched my steering wheel

I know it's hard for her to hear that and she's pregnant so there's no telling how she's going to react I don't want to cause her to have an episode

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