A.Z then started to walk over to A.I.
"No way!" Actress Azula yelled, but then A.Z pushed A.I.
"I hate you, Uncle! You smell, and I hate you for all time!" He shouted as the Earth Kingdom banner fell onto him.

"Did you really said that?" You whispered over to Zuko, who slumped over in shame.
"I might as well have," He whispered.

Scene change, and Actress Ty Lee and Mai were fighting Actor Dai Li agents, and A.A jumped over and the light dimmed out to reveal glow in the dark makeup to show they were in the Avatar State.
"Avatar State, yip yip!" They cheered and was lifted up stage.

"Not if my lightning can help it!" Actress Azula shouted and throw some blue ribbon, and "shocked" A.A until they were lifted down.
"The Avatar is no more!" Actress Azula said, and the crowd cheered.

Then there was your scene, where you snapped and turned into a lava monster. You had to admit, even by the play's standards, you really felt weird about the whole thing as you don't even remembered what happened.

"Pray that it doesn't happen again,"


"It seems like every time there's a big battle, you guys barely make it out alive. I mean, you guys lose a lot!" Suki laughed as she ran her fingers through your hair.
"You're one to talk, Suki. Didn't Azula take you captive? That's right, she did!" Sokka said with wide eyes.

"... Are you trying to get on my bad side?" She raised an eyebrow at him, and you gave a signal at him to no continue any longer.
"I'm just saying..." He shrugged, and you looked around for a moment.
"Anyone know where Monk boy is?" You asked the Gaang.

"He left to get me fire gummies, like, ten minutes ago. And I'm still waiting!" Sokka complained as you and Katara gave each other a look.
"I'm gonna find him," You said and walked off and call out his fake name, until Twig chirped out and pointed outside to see Aang leaning against a railing.

"You feeling alright Monk boy?" You asked him and stood next to him.
"No, I'm not! I hate this play!" He hissed and threw his hat down.
"Yeah, I feel that," You nodded, and cracked a smile.

"Don't worry about it! They don't really know who we really are, so we have no need to overreact," You tried to reassure him.
"Overreacting? If I hadn't blocked my chakra, I'd probably be in the Avatar State right now!" He spat out.

You just stared at him, knowing what he must've felt. The guilt and shame that he couldn't complete what he was meant to be. There was silence between you two, before Aang spoke up again.
"(Y/N), did you really mean what you said in there?" He mumbled to you.

"What do you mean?" You tilted your head a little.
"On stage, when you said I was just like a... brother to you, and you didn't have feelings for me," He looked down with sadness.
"Aang, we're literally dating," You gave him a deadpan stare, but he just shook his head.

"Yet... I feel that after the war... there will be nothing between us anymore. I just know it," He gripped the railing as he closed his eyes.
"Aang, I want you to look at me in the eyes," He heard you say, and he reluctantly did.

You gave him the softest look you could ever give to anyone.
"Avatar Aang, don't you ever think that I'll stop loving you. No matter what will happen, during and after war, nothing is going to stop the love that pours from my heart to you," You leaned in and you felt his breath hitch a little.

"No matter if we're in a poly relationship or not, I still love you, Avatar or not," You then kissed him on the lips, and he immediately melt at the touch. You pulled away and gave Aang a hug, in which he hugged back, letting a tear fall.

"I love you too,"


You guided Aang inside while holding his hand, and you both sat down as the stage was currently playing.
"Here's what you both missed, we went to the Fire Nation, and you got better, and (Y/N) became an emo, and Katara was the Painted Lady, and I got a sword, and then (Y/N) came back, and I think Combustion Man died," Sokka rambled on, making you snort and smile.

"Oh, look, the Invasion's about to start! Shhh!" He grinned, and it showed actor you and A.A standing on a submarine.
"O-o-oh A-Aangy, I-I will always l-love you, a-as a b-brother!" Actor you squeaked out, and you totally forgot she existed.

"I wouldn't want it any other way!" A.A and actor you shook hand, and you noticed Aang lean his head against your shoulder, making you hold his hand again.
"Hey Toph, would you say you and Aang have a "rocky relationship"? A.S joked to A.T, and the crowd laughed.

"I told him to say that!" Sokka excitedly said while shaking you and Suki.
"Now it sounds like you, Boomerang," You chuckled.
"I hope everyone's ready for the Invasion! Slap-a-pow!" A.S commented, and that got Sokka more excited.

Scene change, and it was inside the Fire Nation Palace.
"We finally made it to the Royal Palace, but no one's home!" A.A said, and then A.Z showed up with spiky hair.
"Actually, I'm home, and I want to join you!" He said, and the actor Gaang just shrugged at each other.

"I guess we have no choice. Come on!" A.S said and they all ran off stage, and you finally sighed with Twig cooing.
"I guess that's it. The play's caught up to the present now," He told you all.
"Then why is the play still changing scenes?" You commented.

"But it is over, unless... this is the future!" He guessed, and it showed actor Ozai with a giant comet in the sky.
"With the energy harnessed from that comet, no one will be able to stop the Fire Nation!" A.O grinned evilly as Actress Azula showed up.

"Father, Zuko and the Avatar are at the Palace. They're trying to stop you!" She kneeled down.
"You take care of Zuko. I shall face the Avatar myself!" A.O turned and was gone with a cloud of dust.

A.Z and A.A showed up and looked around.
"You find the Fire Lord, I'll hold her off!" A.Z pointed at A.A, and they flew off to supposedly fight Ozai.
"You are no longer my brother. You are an enemy!" Actress Azula shouted.

"No! I am the rightful heir to the throne!" A.Z shouted back.
"We'll see!" Actress Azula said and pulled out blue ribbon. They two started to ribbon dance/fight, until Actress Azula made giant fire banners that covered A.Z.

"Honor!" He cried out and was gone through a trapdoor, indicating his defeat.
"What..." Your eyes widen as Twig whimpered sadly while rubbing his head at Zuko's head.

Scene change, and A.A was facing A.O.
"So, you have mastered all four elements?" He demanded.
"Yeah, and now you're going down!" A.A shouted.
"No! It is you who are going down! You see, you are too late! The comet is already here, and I'm unstoppable!" A.O laughed, and you felt Aang squeeze your hand a little.

Another fight, and A.A was diving each attack A.O threw, until he gave one powerful giant banner that surrounded A.A
"Noooo...!" They shouted until they fell on the apron of the stage.
"It is over, Father. We've done it!" Actress Azula beamed, with actor you in her arms.

"W-w-we w-won?" Actor you gasped and fluttered her eyes, and you felt a little tense.
"Yes! We have done it! The dreams of my father, and my father's father, have now been realized!" You all watched the stage in shock as you felt something in your chest.

"The world... is... mine!!"


"That... wasn't a good play,"

"I'll say,"

"No kidding,"


"You said it,"

"(B/N)'s puppets shows were better,"

"But the effects were decent,"

"And nice choreography,"

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