You two eventually pulled away, and she pulled you closer to her, falling back on the bed as you buried your head against her neck.
"Never knew that you would be a little spoon," She joked slightly, making you hum into her neck, which caused her to shiver a little.

"I love you, Suki," You whispered to her, and she paused for a moment, never hearing that from you, and she smiled, kissing your forehead and snuggling closer to you.

"I love you too, (Y/N),"


"We have to be subtle, yet right to the point to her, got it Boomerang?" You told the boy as you both ran through the hallway.
"Pshh, I'm a master of being subtle," Sokka smirked, making you roll your eyes, but smile anyways.

Peaking to the room she was in, you both opened the door and walked inside, making Suki sit up.
"What is it? Did I do something wrong?" She asked you both, not recognizing you two.
"You mean you don't recognize us?" You raised an eyebrow and crossed your arms.

"You people all look the same to me," She spat out angrily.
"Oh? Then maybe you'll recognize this," Sokka smirked and tried to lean in for a kiss, but then Suki grabbed his chin and pushed him away, kicking him towards the door.

"You are very bad at doing things smooth, Boomerang," You laughed and took off your helmet, turning to Suki, smiling at her shock face.
"(Y/N)! Sokka!" She beamed, tackling you both and giving you kisses on the cheek.

"The other Kyoshi Warriors, are they here?" You asked her as she pulled away.
"No, I don't know where they are. They locked me in here because I'm the leader," Suki shook her head.
"Well, you won't be here for long. We're busting you out," Sokka told her.

"I'm so glad to see you two. I knew you'd come," You smiled at her as Sokka nudged you to take out the gift.
"That's reminds me, we got a little gift. A symbol for our relationship," You took out the ring you made her and raised her hand to slide it on her finger.

"It's beautiful," Suki cooed, and kissed you on the lips, and Sokka kissing your cheek. Just then, you heard Zuko talking to another guard, and then they started to struggle.
"We have to go," You whispered to Sokka, and you both out on your helmets and opened the door quietly and quickly.

You and Sokka tried to sneak away, but then you heard the female guard shout for you.
"Guards, help! I think he's an impostor! (If I see one more among us reference, I'm going to attack people) Arrest him!" She shouted, struggling against Zuko's grip.

"Get him off me and arrest him!" She shouted again, and you both looked at each other before you ran and grabbed Zuko, throwing him off of the guard.
"You're under arrest!" Sokka yelled, and you pushed Zuko against the wall.
"Don't worry, I'll figure it out," You whispered to him, and he just nodded.

'I mean, I don't mind you manhandling me, (Y/N),'


"They're over there," You pointed over the stairs, and you and Sokka walked over to Suki and Zuko, where they were mopping.
"Oh, good, you guys have met," Sokka said.
"Actually, we met a long time ago," Suki commented.

"We did?" Zuko asked her.
"Yeah, you kind of burned down my village, and tried to force my girlfriend into marrying you," She bluntly to him, making Sokka face palm and you rubbing your neck.

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