123 1233

176 4 0

(POV: So in a combined meeting between the New Directions and Warblers, Kurt says something to Sebastian and they had just broken up awhile ago. But when they first started dating Kurt made Sebastian promise that if he ever felt like trying to commit again to say the code '123 1233' as a way to ask for help but be discreet about it. What happens when Sebastian uses that code.)

*Everyone is in the auditorium and Sebastian hasn't said much.*

Kurt: Why are you so rude.

*Sebastian looks down as tears flood his eyes and he looks up at Kurt with a chuckle and fake smile he puts on every day.*

Sebastian: 123 1233.

Sebastian: 123 1233.

*Kurt pales as the smile drops from the boys face knowing this isn't a joke anymore.*

Kurt: You're joking right.

Sebastian: 123 1233...

Kurt: Bas why didn't you tell me sooner instead of letting it get this far.

Sebastian: I was afraid.

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