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Barry's POV
So we are on the side of the road in Lima, Ohio with Eddie, Captain, Joe, and Santana. "Barry your shaking! We will get them back!" Eddie snaps after my constant trembling. I look at him. "You don't get it. You have only met her once. You have only been dating for a few months. You don't understand that this trembling is because every bit of energy left my body. While at the same time my adrenaline is pumping. I can't stop shaking. And I am exhausted, I want to sleep, I can't eat but I want to. I want to relax. But I can't. Because my kids are out there. And I cannot do a thing other than sit in my own sorrow and guilt." I say. He pulls me into a hug as I break down sobbing for like the 15th time today. All of a sudden my phone rings. "If you ever want to see your children again get to the abandoned warehouse you shot me in 2 years ago boy wonder. You have 25 minutes." A familiar voice says. I go pale knowing exactly who did this. I look over and see a familiar house. "Follow me now." I demand and pretty much sprint into the house fumbling with my keys to unlock it. Everyone behind me are probably dead ass confused. "Dads!" I yell out. No response as I dig through the junk drawer. "Oh dear fathers of mine!" I yell again. They come down half asleep. "What the hell Bas." Pops asks. "Where is the car." I ask. "Still in the garage where you left it in high school after the accident in your friends car." Dad says confused. "And the black key." I ask. They point to a shelf over there. I go and see it on the main top and reach and grab it with ease. "If only everyone was that tall." Joe mutters. I turn bright red forgetting the other were here. "Love you guys. Got to go. Be back later." I say heading out with the others. I go to the garage and climb in the car with Santana in the front seat and Joe, Captain, and Eddie in the back. I start the car fumbling a little. "Having some issues are we kid." Captain says. I flip him off. "I haven't drove since I was 16 and was driving my friends car and an 18 wheeler came head on and nearly killed us. It snapped my neck and spinal cord in my lower back. I had to have my skull reattached to my spine, and had to relearn how to walk, talk, eat, drink, and write. And yet I still graduated my senior year with straight A's and was elected the smartest boy in the whole school. So that also means buckle up. Santana I don't think it was the brightest idea to set up front." I say as we get going and they all buckle. "Why." She says. "Just use the oh shit bars. Captain you got pinned in the middle so use the other two as an oh shit person. Now Santana in that glove box get my the small black plastic case." I say. She does and once we get to the middle of nowhere about 678 miles from the warehouse I need to be at in 8 minutes I take the key out of the car. "You are getting ready to experience covering about 678 miles in a matter of 5 minutes. So be prepared." I say putting in the red key. "You aren't.... Idiots in the backseat grip onto your oh shit bar and oh shit people tightly. We are about to clock 800 miles per hour." Santana says as I turn the key and start the car. The whole dashboard lights up and the speed thing shows speeds up to 900 miles an hour. I put the gear back into drive and push the gas peddle down to the ground. "And we go zoom!" Santana says. I snort. "This is when I start blasting we didn't start the fire to as loud as the radio plays it because why the hell not." I say. She plugs her phone up and starts blasting it. "Might as well get the best use out of this as we can before this car is destroyed!" She yells over the music. Once we make it to the warehouse the car stops and just dies there. I practically run out of the car and single handedly knock Murdoc out and run and untie my kids. They run into my open arms. "Daddy!" They yell. I let out a sob of relief. "You shouldn't have done that..." One of Murdoc's henchmen says but doesn't get to finish his sentence as a bullet is fired right through his brain. I look up to notice both Eddie and Captain standing there with their guns held up and pointed at where the man was. After a few minutes I notice the twins are out like a light. More cops and everyone had showed up. I am leaning on Eddie who set down with me a few minutes ago. Someone goes to grab the twins away from me and I wrap one arm around them instinctively and dig my nails into the other person's arm and slowly drag my hand and down their arm and back around my children. Blood starts pouring from their arm. "Son of a bitch...." He mutters. "The twins are perfectly fine. I assure you. He checked them over 4 times. Now leave them alone." Eddie says protectively. I rest my head on his shoulder as the man walks away. "You know, I would do anything for my kids but I saved up the money for that car for 7 years. Saved up all my birthday money, allowance, money given to me when I helped people clean or do something for them seeing as I was always a tiny person and could fit in tiny places. Then when I was 14 I wanted more money and not just for the car and my college tuition stuff but I was always independent and wanted to do things myself. And I always hated asking for money to do things with my friends so I made my own. That car over there is beyond repair. The motors and everything in it are destroyed. While the outside appearance seems normal." I say. He chuckles.

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