He Doesn't Wanna Bang You!

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(POV: Barry and Iris both love Eddie and are constantly fighting over him. Poor Eddie loves Barry but Iris won't leave him alone.)

*Barry runs back into the cortex after a failed mission and he is gasping for air. Eddie helps him balance long enough to get to a chair.*

Iris: So Eddie how was work?

*Barry glares at her.*

Barry: You are lucky he even still talks to you.

Iris: Don't be bitter. Because I'm fitter.

*Barry looks up to Joe who snorts.*

Barry: Why hasn't it hit her?

*He turns to Iris.*

Barry: He doesn't wanna bang you!

Both: Somebody hang you!

Everyone else: Uh oh here we go!

*Joe pats Eddie's shoulder.*

Joe: You my friend are stuck in a love triangle with a stubborn ass cocky boy, and an overbearing reporter. You are screwed.

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