The Actor

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Santana's POV

So we are all at place where they are shooting the new premiere of the Flash. We all got tickets to come and watch them film it. The New Direction's are here along with all the Warblers. I look over and see Mr. Smythe. Sebastian's dad. He sees me. Maybe he got a ticket to watch to but I have no idea. "Alright everyone. Today you can watch as we shoot the first episode of the new CW series called the Flash. Feel free to record anything." The director says. As the start filming it this kid who is supposed to be playing a younger version of Barry Allen cracks up dead middle of taking the scene. "Sebastian stop making the child laugh!" One of the actors says through laughs. Did he just say Sebastian. As the show transitions the Meerkat appears shocking all of us. Wow. After they finish the first few scenes they all take a break. "Smythe!" I yell hitting him. "Bitch what the fuck was that for!" He yells. Thad walks over and hits him as well. "That is for not telling us you got an acting job!" He yells. "Damn. My bad." Bas says. He goes to turn and walk away but Kurt grabs him and punches him. "Ha bitch that's assault!" Meerkat yells. "Santana hit you and so did Thad! But when I do it's assault!" Kurt yells. "You see I can press charges. But Santana can hit me as much as she wants to and I cannot legally hit back. Thad is allowed to hit me because I have known him since I was 6 and we have been best friends. But Hummel I will press charges against you." The meerkat says. I snort. "We could have pressed charges against you for the rock salt slushy." Kurt says. "No not you. Blaine could have and he didn't. No matter how much you try to take say in what happened only Blaine can press charges against me seeing as he was the victim and not you. Not if it is harassment charges I will probably only get a fine. Depending on the judge it could be a restraining order against me. But in order to get a restraining order against me for all of you, you would each have to go through individual court. But you would have to have a lot more then what I did to you guys to press charges to get a physical restraining order. Which is why I always limited what I said and did to a lower standard so in case you were to do something I would only get fined. And Blaine if you still hate me you can still press charges. It has only been about 2 years since then seeing as it happened in our sophomore year. Charges last for up to four years for assault. Just figured I would give you that piece of information." The meerkat says smirking turning when his dad shoves something into his hands. "Do I have to." He says. "Yes Sebastian. You have to take your medication. Do you want me to knock you out and drag you to the hospital and have you admitted. Now sit here while I go grab you a water." His dad says. The meerkat is rubbing his arm. "Kurt how hard did you hit him. His face is already starting to bruise." I ask. I notice his arm is bruised to from where me and Thad hit him. "Not that hard. All of you know I can't hit that hard." Kurt says. His dad comes back with an icepack to. "Figured it would already be bruised." He says wincing at the bruise on his sons face. "No guys none of you hit me that hard. I lack Iron in my blood which is necessary. But where I don't have enough it causes me to bruise easily." He says holding the icepack to his face. The rest of the day we watch as the mange to cover up the Meerkats bruises and how man medications he has to take and watch as the do all the scenes. It really is neat. There is also so many times they messed up on the scenes. It was really really fun.

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