I Hurt Myself Sometimes

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(POV: A student in class was talking about how Sebastian was perfect and never had real emotions and Bas smarts off to him and walks out of class.)

*In class a random student talking about how self harm was disgusting and pointless. Bas stands up slamming his textbook down grabbing everyone's attention.* 

Bas: I hurt myself sometimes is that to scary for ya?

Bas: Watch me take a good thing and fuck it all up in one night.

Bas: Catch me, I'm the one on the run from the headlights.

Bas: No sleep. Up all week wasting time on people I don't like.

Bas: I think somethings fucking wrong with me!

Teacher: Sebastian... Is that true?

*Bas snarls and grabs his things.*

Bas: And my aunt wonders why I hate life. And why I hate people in general.

*He walks out*

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