All To Familiar

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*Barry And Cisco are in the CCPD downstairs area and they are having to talk about one of the previous cases.*

Singh: So Michal Henry was married to James Jensen and they apparently had 5 kids. But something that night supposedly came into the house that night and killed all 5 kids and James Jensen. Mr. Henry claimed that he went to check on his kids and they were all dead and blue lightning ran by him in each room. He supposedly ran downstairs and saw his husband surrounded by the blue lightning but there was white lightning as well. Next thing he knew his husband had a knife plunged through his heart. Then he ended up 15 blocks away from his house after trying to put pressure on the wound. Said a man in a black suit did it. But there is know evidence to prove anything he said is true. Allen what is that look about, you know something don't you...

Barry: No sir. Just a hunch I would have to run by somebody else.

Singh: Well why not run it by us Flash

*Barry and Cisco's eyes widen.**

Singh: To be such a bad liar Allen you can sure keep a secret. If it wasn't for Ramon being taken and the guy looking at you and saying you were the Flash and to come get him we would have never known. But at least we know you will take a secret to your grave.

Barry: Okay. Noted. I may be murdered for telling all of you this and if any of this hits the media I will kill each and everyone one of you so after this case is close I want it taken to your graves and to not speak of anything I tell you alright.

*Everyone nods and Barry grabs Cisco's hand out of a nervous habit*

Barry: So this case is all to familiar to what I lived through but at the age of 11. Right now as everyone knows, there is an evil speedster out right now to kill me or the Flash you should say. He calls himself Godspeed. Now I was actually the god father of the children killed. I had been friends with James and Michal since we were 13. I happened to go to high school with them. My biggest weakness is family. This speedster knows Barry Allen, me, is the Flash. He has studied me. But what he doesn't know is he made a mistake. Now I will get to that in a second. Okay so if a speedster is able to clock certain speeds their lightning will turn blue. Mine is gold but it has turned blue before because I clocked that high of speeds. Now if a speedster starts going these speeds constantly their lightning will permanently change that color. Now Michal says he saw blue and white lightning that night. If their lighting was white they are clocking ungodly speeds. Godspeed is trying to traumatize me and recreate that night but with people I care deeply about. Now I am going to let you in on a little secret. I don't know a designated time period but I already made a public announcement about it as the Flash and I want to give you guys another warning. Get the ones your care deepest about out of the city. A war is going to break loose and I don't know how it will end. Especially since Star City and National City were all destroyed already and all the heroes and ones who made it out are here. Make sure you all have a back up place to stay ready. Godspeed has made an army of villains including Cicada, Rainbow Raider, Reign, I know there is at least 7 evil speedsters he has taken in on his team, the trickster, captain boomerang, mirror master, the turtle, vandal savage and plenty more that would take me hours to rattle off. That was his mistake, creating an army I mean. Then the bright idea crossed my mind to make a league of heroes. It will be war and we intend to win.

**Everyone is silent as Barry gets up and walks out. Cisco walking with him.**

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