Hold On For Me

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(POV: Damon and Bas had been kidnapped before and Damon got loose from his cage they had him in. He went over to unlock Bas's cage but couldn't for some reason. Bas told him to leave him behind. To go live his life. So Damon did reluctantly. Then 5 years later Cisco, Caitlin, Joe, Iris, Wally, Harry, and Jesse who are all vampires who were really close with Bas show up one day to find Damon. Everyone is confused for sure. If they do get Bas back will it ever be the same? Will he be the same?)

Damon's POV

As I took a drink of bourbon, I looked at me wedding ring. 

(Damon's Ring)

(Bastian's Ring)

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(Bastian's Ring)

I miss him so so much

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I miss him so so much. Everyday I blame myself. Tomorrow is our anniversary or well was. Stefan walks in and knocks on the door getting my attention. "I know you've been missing him here recently and I found something I wanted to give you. I was cleaning on your old room and it was under the bed. It was his locket he wore all the time." Stefan says setting down beside me reaching me the locket he hardly ever took off. "He took it off before we left on that mission ya know. He said he knew it would be a brutal mission and didn't want to destroy the one thing his mother gave him before she died on that plane." I say. "The gang is going out and they wanted to know if you were coming. I told them you probably didn't feel like it but that I would still ask." Stefan says. "I think I'll go little brother. I need out of the place that reminds me of him." I say. Stefan nods and we head downstairs. "So you are coming?" Elena asks. "Yep. Snark and good looks as well." I say smirking. She rolls her eyes. "Where are we even going anyways?" I say. "To go to the store and pick up a shit ton of food and we are all going to have a movie night and game night with tons of food. We will play board games." Caroline says happily. I snort. "Sorry Damon. The second you came downstairs you signed your death wish tonight. And it may not be that bad." Stefan says. "What do you mean it may not be 'that bad' little brother. I am being forced to have a movie night and game night like teenagers with the Scooby doo gang." I say. "Do it for him. It may even cheer you up." Stefan says. I glare at him. "That is a dirty play using him against me little brother. I taught you well, maybe a little to well." I say. "Who is 'he'?" Bonnie asks. "Nobody!" Me and Stefan say at the same time. We go out and come back and later once all the food is fixed we all set down with our plates and Caroline grabs a box. "Okay this is a game my cousin came up with when we were little and played every game in the house. It is called Fire On Fire. He called it that because it tends to get interesting when it is played. So how it works is we will be put into teams of two. So you will draw a name out of the hat and whoever you get is your partner. Ok Damon, where did you get a top hat." Caroline says. "I found it in the store." I say. Stefan rolls his eyes. "Ok Damon how about you draw first." She says. I do and we go around and everyone drew the names. "Alright now open." She says. We do and the teams are, Stefan and me ironically, Caroline and Alaric, and Elena and Bonnie. I know what this game is seeing as me, Bas, and Stefan have played this before. "Ok so how it works is each person will get a list on a clipboard that each round is changed and you have to answer each question with something you think the other person is thinking of. So like in round one, one person from each team will have a list and be thinking of a something for each letter and the other person has to guess it. The team with the most...." She says but I finish for her. "The team with the most points by the time both people have gone from each team wins. The reason this thing can get interesting is the team with the least points for that round has to reveal two secrets about each person. And in the box there is mini vials of truth potion that wears off after a few minutes so you cannot tell a lie." I finish. Everyone looks at me. "By the end of the 6 rounds the team with the least points totaled up from every round not only has to tell 3 secrets each, but both of them also get ice water dumped over their heads." Stefan says. Everyone is looking in between us. "How did you know that." Caroline asks. "Someone who was dear to us taught it to us." Stefan says. "Only my cousin knew the rules to it." Caroline said. All of a sudden behind us appears a group of 7 people. "May we help you?" I say in a sarcastic tone.

Stefan's POV

I turn to where they are. "Which two of you are the Salvatore brothers?" A young girl asks. "Who is asking?" I say crossing me arms. Damon has this complex look on his face. "That one there is one of them." The black man says pointing to Damon. "Hello Joe...." Damon says. "Damon." Joe says. "Now why do you need me and my brother." I say. "We have new information on Barry. We were looking for him and we came across a lead and we know where he is at. We wanted to go get him but Joe told us about Damon. Despite him disliking Damon he figured it was best for him to go get him." An auburn haired girl says. "And who are you?" Damon asks. "I'm Caitlin Snow, this is Cisco Ramon, Jesse Wells, Harrison Wells but we all call him Harry, Iris West, Joe West, and Wally West." Caitlin introduces pointing to each of them. "And what do you mean on where he is? Do you mean his corpse?" I ask. Damon snorts. "He isn't dead." Cisco says. "Yeah right. I came back after it burned and saw his dead corpse. All it was was burnt and black, you couldn't even recognize him. He had on his ring is how I know." Damon says. Iris glares at him. "Why did you even leave him behind." She says. "He told me to leave. I couldn't get his cell open. I tried so hard. He was begging me to leave. I wasn't going to not abide by what were his last wishes Iris." Damon says. "Okay who!" Bonnie snaps. Damon looks down. "Nobody important..." He says. "Damon they are going to find out sooner or later...." I say. "I chose later." He says. "They don't know do they Damon...." Caitlin says softly. "No. Only Stefan knows." He says. "Please Damon.... Just if you won't do it for us do it for him..... Please... I just want my son back...." A man that none of us saw says. "Fine. If it's a lie I'm feeding off of all of you and skipping blood bags for awhile." Damon says standing up. "Stefan stay here and debrief them on this whole situation and tell them." He says. I give him a look of concern seeing as he has never let himself or me tell anyone. "Tell them. If it is true that he is alive they are gonna question it." He says again. He goes with the others that showed up. "Ok explain." Bonnie says tapping her foot. "Ok so Damon is.... Well was... Screw it. He is married. Has been for awhile. Sebastian Smythe. We called him Bas though. So if you ever hear us refer to Bas we are talking about him. Then there is also Barry Allen who is Bas. It is just an alias he had for awhile. 6 years ago on a mission to chase someone down, me, Damon, and Bas had went and they had got taken. I was lucky. I ran. Well a year later I found out where they were and went and got Damon. I wanted to get Bas as well but unfortunately we couldn't get his cage open when Damon got his open. He practically had to beg Damon to leave with me and when Damon kept refusing he looked at me and told me to grab Damon and run. He could hear the building crumbling from where the explosion had destroyed it. It took a lot of strength for me myself to grab Damon and run but I did and Damon let me. Bas supposedly 'died' in the fire 5 years ago. Now the sarcastic Damon you see right now is a shell of the Damon I used to know. Before Bas died he was happy, sweet, kind, and Bas was to thank for that because he helped Damon embrace his past instead of running from it. Bas helped him heal. Well now Damon went back to his old habits and became the man he is now." I explain. "You mean to tell me Damon, the one who feeds off of people often, used to be nice?" Alaric says. "Hard to believe right." I say. After more questions, about an hour after he left, Damon comes walking in with a bloody Bas in his arms. Damon bites his wrist and puts it to Bas's mouth once he has him laid on the couch. After a minute he wakes up coughing. He passes back out. "His body is to drained to heal itself at it's normal rate." Damon mutters. "How bad is it." I say. "Bad Stefan." He says. He sighs. Caitlin bandages him up. And she did it damn fast to. The rest of the evening is spent with us just chatting around and I notice Damon has been fidgeting with his ring. "Oh dear brother of mine. You always worry when it comes to him. If he spent and survived 5 years being captured and tortured he will wake up. Anyways he is stubborn. He won't go down without a fight." I say. Damon nods. "I just need him to hold on a little longer...." Damon whispers. After awhile we get Bas moved into a room upstairs. Damon's room. I was setting up here with him the next morning when he bolts up. 'Woah! Woah! Easy your safe!" I exclaim after jumping out of my skin. He looks me in the eyes and sighs in relief. "Stefan...." He mutters relaxing back onto the headboard. "Damon?" He says. "He is out hunting down you know who with everyone else. I volunteered to keep an eye on you." I say. "He Stefan, Damon needs you downstairs.... Oh. Hi." Elena says. She wasn't expecting him to wake up. "Should we tell Damon." She says turning to me. "Bas?" I say looking at him. He nods and I look at Elena. "Go grab him." I say. Bas stands up and stretches. "You had us worried sick and grieving." I say. Damon walks in not noticing the boy yet. "Elena said you needed me upstairs. Is he alright..." He says pausing when Bas speaks. "Damon...." He whispers. Of course me being the loving brother I am, I record the pair. Damon wraps his arms around Bas and holds him like he is gonna lose him again. Bas holds him just as tight. I smile. Bas flips me off. I snort. 

*That Evening they are all downstairs*

"Okay idiot when will that ever help us?" Damon snarls. I close my mouth the second Bas slaps him up the side of the head. "Oww!" Damon exclaims. "Play nice. Elena ignore him. He is just being Damon. Now Damon if you recall something like that would have come in quite handy 5 years ago. Now apologize." Bas says. Damon huffs. "Sorry Elena." He says. Elena's mouth opens wide. "Bas has quite the power over Damon." I say. "Did he just make the 'Damon Salvatore' apologize! I am seeing things right." Bonnie says. "Nope. Bas can work his magic on Damon for sure." I say. I smile as Damon wraps his arm around Bas. He is happy again.

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