What Have You Done!

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Blaine's POV

So I am in the office with Kurt, Mr. Figgins, Mr. and Mrs. Smythe and Sebastian. "I would like to bring it to your attention that Sebastian here has unfortunately...." Mr. Figgins goes to say but Sebastian cuts him off with a pleading look in his eyes and you can tell he is on the verge of crying. "It was an accident please. Please believe me it was an accident. You'll ruin everything...." He begs. My eyes widen. I have only ever heard Sebastian beg once. And that was when Thad, his dad, and grand father were all being held at gunpoint at the school shooting at Dalton and he was begging for them not to kill any of them. I now realize this was the wrong decision. Something is off. I go to intervene but Kurt stops me. "Your son here has unfortunately almost blinded one of my students. And has constantly bullied him and his friends." Mr. Figgins says and Sebastian lets tears fall. Kurt is probably getting a kick out of this. He hasn't known Sebastian long enough to get to know him. I have though. I have and now I feel awful because I let Kurt talk me into this. "What!" His mom shrieks in amusement. "What happened!" She shrieks again. Sebastian's dad just rolls his eyes. "I believe Sebastian when he said it was an accident." He says to his wife. "He had a crush on my boyfriend and tried to steal him from me and nearly blinded him because of jealousy." Kurt says. "I thought I told you to stop being a fag!" His mom yells. I set here in shock and she seemed to shut Kurt up as well. "Do not call him a fag!" His dad yells. Did we release this massive fight between a world known fashion diva and a world known lawyer. Oh shit. I message Thad and tell him to prepare something to cheer Sebastian up when they get back to Dalton. "Why do you support him!" She yells back. "Because he is my kid. My blood. If he came out as transgender to me I wouldn't give a shit because as long as he is happy I am happy! And if you want the full truth I am bisexual!" His dad yells back. "I want a divorce! And I am taking the fag with me!" She yells. "Not if I have any say in this you won't!" His dad yells back. "I hate you! You ruined everything! Everything! I hate you both! I thought you were different Blaine!" Sebastian yells full on sobbing. Oh my god we broke Sebastian. He runs out. "Bas, son wait! Please!" His dad calls.

Santana's POV

So we are all in glee right now and Blaine and Kurt are not here. Odd. Are they somewhere fucking. Probably. "So what are we doing today." I ask. "I don't know. We were going perform our songs for today but then the Warblers called last week and wanted to try and make amends with us all. They said they would be coming in this evening when school let out for them so they are probably about 5 minutes out. But then again Blaine and Kurt aren't here because they had something to do about the Sebastian situation...." He says sighing at the end. 'You mean they finally did something about it. Finally." Quinn says. You see me and Sebastian have gotten a close friendship right now. I am also faking to be his girlfriend because his mother is fucking toxic and hates that he is gay. "Let's just hope they didn't go to his parents about it. If they did all hell will break lose." I say. "What do you mean." Puck asks. "Nothing just forget I said anything. Let's just all hope and pray they didn't go to his parents...." I say trailing off when a ballistic Sebastian runs in and slides down the wall sobbing. "They ruined everything! They ruined every fucking thing!" He cries. Before I catch myself my soft side that I have gained for the boy wins over. "Hey Sebastian I need you to tell me what happened okay." I whisper grabbing his hands and setting in front of him. "B-Blaine a-and K-Kurt w-went t-to t-the p-principal h-here a-and m-my p-parents. N-now m-my m-mom k-knows I-I a-am s-still g-gay a-and t-that y-you a-aren't m-my g-girlfriend. M-My p-parents a-are g-getting a d-divorce. T-they r-ruined e-everything. T-This i-is a-already a-after t-they w-went t-to t-the D-Dean a-and g-got m-me k-kicked o-off o-of t-the W-Warblers a-and g-got m-me d-detention f-for t-three m-months b-because s-she d-didn't b-believe i-it w-was a-an a-accident a-and g-got m-me k-kicked o-off o-of t-the l-lacrosse t-team." He stutters out. My eyes widen. "Oh Bastian. I didn't think they would go that far. Brittany stay with him. I have some business to take care of. Bastian this is Brittany. She loves math and physics. Have at it." I say offering a soft smile. auntie Snixx is taking over. Brittany and Bas start rambling on and on about math and science and stuff like that. "Santana...!" Someone goes to yell. "Do not yell. He is on the verge of a panic attack. And anyways, his dad is quite fond of me. I am sure if I do anything stupid he will get me out of legal troubles." I say storming out and shutting the door behind me. I head to Figgins office and see Blaine and Kurt still there along with Sebastian's father. "You two bitches disgust me. Yes I get maybe talking to his parents but going to both the Dean and principal here is low. Especially for you Blaine. He thought of you as a friend. You both ruined his life. I was faking being his girlfriend to keep the boy from having to be yelled at by his mother but Kurt you had to ruin it all. I am assuming it was you who told her he had a 'crush' on Blaine. Bitch he never did and never will. You weren't at Dalton long enough to know that it is a game they play to flirt with each other. Or maybe Sebastian wanted Blaine away from you. I think that was probably what it was but I haven't got the full truth out of him. Maybe he didn't want you to play Blaine like you played him. Oh that's right Blaine, you didn't know about your boyfriends previous actions did you. He played Sebastian. Sebastian was vulnerable at the time and it was a dare that someone gave Kurt. He played Sebastian for months. Why do you think he was always so cruel to Kurt. Because he wants revenge. And for your information Hummel he never had a crush on Blaine. He has been in a relationship for 2 years now. With someone who won't play him and with someone who actually loves him. The boy may be a tiny Satan spawn when someone hurts Sebastian but he will die for him. But when I said you ruined his life I mean you made him lose everything he loved. Thanks to you two his parents are getting a divorce, he was kicked out of the Warblers, he was kicked off the lacrosse team, he has detention for 3 months because the Dean doesn't believe it was an accident, and I wish I was joking but I am not. You ruined his life. God your both morons!" I exclaim going at them but feel someone hug me from behind. I turn around in their arms to see Bas. I hug him back and he is still crying. "Oh let go of the damn fag. He is a failure, slut, disgusting, selfish brat. He was a mistake anyways. We never wanted him." His mom says. Sebastian holds tighter to me and if it wasn't for the boy in my arms I would have decked her across the face. "Get the hell out of my sight!" His dad yells. I notice Sebastian flinch. I help him over to the wall where he slides down it and starts hyperventilating.

Richard's POV

I run over to Sebastian. "Easy son. It's okay. I need you to try and breathe with me okay. in 1, 2, 3, 4. Hold it, 1, 2, 3, 4. Out 1, 2, 3, 4. That's it. Now I want you to try and matching my breathing okay." I say softly putting his hand on my chest. I look up to Santana. "I'll go get him a water and something small to eat. He looks like he hasn't eaten in days." She whispers heading out of the room. Sebastian seems to calm down some after a minute. I wrap my arms around him gently and I can tell he is crying still. Just not as bad. "You weren't a mistake son. I wanted you. Your mother was the only one who didn't. The entire family was overjoyed when they met you. You aren't a selfish brat. Never was and never will be. You are one of the kindest people I know. You are not a failure. You are acing all of your classes, you led the Warblers through victory how many times, you led the lacrosse team through worlds twice, you are top student in all of your classes. Your not a slut. Your mother is just jealous because more men would like to sleep with you than her." I say. That last one got a laugh out of him. "And love is love Sebastian. Your still you no matter who you love." I say. He pulls back and smiles a little. "Thank you." He says. "Anytime." I say. "Ok I hope you like pretzels because that is literally all I could find. And they had I know this isn't the coldest so I got a cup of ice." She says reaching it to Bas. He looks up at her with a confused look. "What. this isn't Dalton where they have a whole room just for snacks and stuff for you guys." She says. "No. Not that. How did you find a cup of ice and pretzels and a water." He asks. "Teachers are afraid of me when Snixx takes over." She says. He chuckles. A girl knocks on the door frame. "Hey Tana, Mr. Schue sent me to find you. The Warblers are here." She says. "Ok. Thanks Rachel." She says. "Do you want to go." I ask him. "Hell with it!" He exclaims standing up and running down the hall with Santana and the other girl. I stand up and dust myself off. "God wouldn't it be nice to be able to switch emotions that fast." Mr. Figgins says. "He normally just shuts off his emotions when he is upset." I say. 

**Fast Forward 9 years.**

Richard's POV

I am in the kitchen with Jacob when I hear the front door open. "Can I take shelter here. Someone pissed Bassy off and it doesn't sound pretty from what Santana told me over the phone." Thad says walking into the kitchen. "Ok it is sad we all feel the need to take shelter when he is pissed off." I mutter. "In my defense I am the one he threw a fucking vase at when he was pissed and I refused to leave him alone. Which he has Anna with him today so I don't think he would do anything that stupid in front of the 5 year old." He says. "Yeah he locked himself in his room after throwing the vase at you. I am pretty sure he broke more things in his room that night." I say. The door opens again and Sebastian walks in with Anna clinging to his hand but she has an icy. "Spoiling her are we." Jacob asks with a smile. "Dad spoiled me as a child for one so I learnt from the best, and for two I felt bad because I did spook her a little." He says. "You missed it the other night. I had to put them both in time out." Thad says. I chuckle. "So you pretty much have 2 kids on your hands." Jacob says. "Yep." He says. 

(A:N-So I got this idea from @rossylynch6out of their one-shot book. I really like the idea and wanted to write something that ended with a happy note. So I go this out of it. Please let me know what you think.)

Flash ~ Glee One-ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora