They were standing side by side. Elaf wasn't looking at him but his eyes were on her. As they started walking towards the ER, he held her hand and Elaf gripped on it with a trust that maybe now she wasn't that scared anymore.


"He was worried for some months now. The work pressure kept on increasing and even though Elaf and I were worried and asked him time and again what was it even about, he always dodged the question. Just yesterday when he finally got the termination letter from his company, he told me that the higher ups were hinting at a staff change for months now. They had a list prepared of the employees they'd be firing because they wanted new people, young blood to take their place. He, along with a few of his colleagues, protested against this. But It's a private company. How far long could they go? They even tried their best to prove that they were diligent workers. But it just went down the drain in the end. They went ahead with their plan. He told me everything when he came back. He was stressed beyond measure and I was also panicking because I was seeing him this worried for the first time. It wasn't just the job. So much was at the stake there. Elaf and I tried calming him down but he just kept on thinking and worrying. It happened around midnight when he got the pain and feeling of unease in his chest. We didn't wait and called in for some help. The Chacha Jee living across the street immediately called the ambulance and then we were here and he's been inside since then."

Yusra was narrating the whole thing to Nusrat Aapa who had gotten there with Hesham. Elaf and Safwa's families knew each other well because of how much both the friends stayed at each other's place. Nusrat Aapa was giving strength to Yusra through her kind words. Safwa was sitting close to them. While Izaan and Hesham were at some distance. The door to the ER was closed. They were in the waiting area and weren't allowed inside yet. Sarim glanced to his side and saw Elaf looking through the glass door into the semi empty hallway. Her eyes were searching and so vulnerable. It ripped something inside of him. Seeing her like this wasn't something he'd ever want again. This sadness, worry and pain looked so alien on her. Something Sarim never wanted to associate with her.

Words would be futile at this point, he knew that. She had had enough of those. Words can do just so much, he realized standing there that no matter what he or anyone says, she wouldn't get peace till she sees her father right in front of her.

So he just stayed by her side, holding her hand and giving her a shoulder to rest on. Because words weren't necessary. Words weren't going to do anything.


It was in the wee hours of morning, when the dawn had just cracked on the horizon, they had gotten the news that Daud was out of danger and his more tests would take a day or two to be completed. They wanted to have a complete checkup but for now, he was fine. His family could meet him as soon as they shifted him to the room for further observation.

Yusra and Elaf were visibly relieved. So much that tears of gratitude were shining in their eyes. Nusrat Aapa insisted on sending them breakfast even though they refused but she and Safwa would've none of it. They left with the promise of coming back in just an hour with breakfast. Even Hesham and Izaan refused to leave. Elaf didn't tell them again because she knew they wouldn't budge.

"I never knew you have made such beautiful friendships, Ell."

Yusra mumbled, looking at the three boys who were standing close and talking amongst themselves. Elaf smiled lightly. She knew that alright. Her friends were some of the best people she had had the privilege of meeting and keeping in her life.

Safwa and Nusrat Aapa were back in no time. They had packed a light breakfast for Yusra and Elaf. The boys had refused to eat saying it were them who had gone through the excruciating pain and waiting so they needed to recharge.

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