Part 19

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AN: one again, thank you all for the support, kudos and comments.

warnings: violence, talk of abuse, torture, character death (sorry!) All mistakes are my own and the devil dyslexia xx


My vision swims from the hard blow that he's just delivered. I'm on the floor, tasting blood in my mouth from the punch and feeling my top stick to my rib where he ran his knife through my skin moments ago.

I look up at him weakly as he touches his fingers to his lip where I bit him, his blood coats his fingertips. "I like the fight Megs, but it's stupid."

His head looks up as another man walks in. "Where the fuck have you been?"

"Fixing our exit, killing loose ends." My insides do another tumble as Rumlow crouches so he's in my line of vision. "Well hello again."

Then he smiles down at me. I try to move a little but my ribs hurt and I end up just letting a soft whimper out as I shift on the floor at their feet. Alex grabs my ponytail and forces me up to my feet pressing his front into my back. "Take this little brat and put her in the van. I'll take the land Rover and meet you at the dock. Is everything ready?"

He runs his nose up my neck and licks the shell of my ear as he waits for his answer, I shrunk away watching Rumlow chuckle at my situation. "Yeah. We'll be ready to sail the moment we hit the deck, if the fuckers have done their job right."

Alex shoves me toward Ruwlow as he takes his phone out. "Get going."

"What about Barnes and the Captain? They'll be on our tail by now."

"Do what you want with Rogers, kill him whatever you want, I know you're been waiting to do it. Barnes is mine." Rumlow turns me in his grasp and Alex meets my eyes as he continues to speak, tears spill down my face as I shake my head.

"Please don't hurt them."

"I'm going to enjoy ripping that arm off and selling it to the highest bidder." He strokes the tears off my cheek lovingly. "Then I'm going to make him watch Megs, as I make you mine again." I shake my head at his horrible words knowing that he will do exactly that because he's sick enough. "Get her out of here. Secure her below, no mistakes Brock."

I feel him nod behind me. "Come on Princess." He takes a biting grip on my upper arm and drags me out the apartment, through the back of the building and out into the alley. There is a sleek black Land Rover and a battered looking grey van waiting for us. Both vehicles have a driver and two idiots with the muscle mass of a small house standing and waiting. "Boss is coming!" He gestures to the one near the Van. "This little bitch is coming with us."

Anger surges in me as do Bucky's words.

"You do what you can, bite, scratch, run,... me and the big guy we'll come for you no matter what."

I turn and spit in Rumlow's face, he reels back and wipes his face as I struggle in his grip, then before he can recover I bring my foot up and kick him in the balls. Groaning he lets go of me and I fall back, without really thinking I roll slightly and I'm up on my feet running towards the end of the alley. Forgetting or at least trying to forget about the pain in my ribs from the semi-deep cut or the bite on my breast that is still bleeding, I run. As fast as I can manage, for my life, realisation slicing through me that this was a horrible, terrible, stupid mistake and I should of stayed exactly where I was.

Shouting and an engine starting behind me spurs me on, I have to get away. At the end of the alley I don't stop, my arms pumping as my non-track-star body protests at the sudden interest in cardio. Sprinting into the road, keeping going, tyres screech behind me, I glance back seeing the van exit the alley sliding slightly.

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