Part 5

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AN: All mistakes are my own.  Things are gonna happen...



The next two weeks after the party go quickly. I make them go quickly, I busy myself with clients and the rehabilitation centre. I still take too long to do anything, my mind racing off in directions that it shouldn't, the white noise of the TV or the low thrumming of the shower taking my thoughts and memories to Ryan or the Monster, with the odd new wandering about Bucky and Steve. 

Steve did text me the morning after the party to check on me, so did Bucky. I kept it neutral, Bucky seems to have lost interest in my tame one word answers, which was of course the plan all along, but Steve has persisted. Now, roughly every other morning we have a little text back and forth a round 6 am. Nothing epic, just a 'how are you', followed by 'what are your plans today' or an 'up to much', sometimes a 'what did you eat last night', 'the sky is beautiful today'. I reply with 'I'm too boring for you you know' or 'how was superhero duty today', 'I'm bored' once I was feeling funny and asked him; 'have you ever thought about putting magnets on Bucky's arm when he's asleep' his reply had me smiling all day...'no, but I am now.' He is sweet and it's nice to have someone to ask me how I am or notice when I don't text back. Or just notice.

The sessions with Rhodes have been going really well and I am due there this afternoon, about half four for another one. Usually the rest of the team aren't there, or I might catch a glimpse of them, I got a coffee brought to me from Steve last week. He didn't speak, just leant into the physio suit and put it on the desk behind me and Rhodes. When I turned and smiled, his smiled brightly and walked off with his hands casually in his pocket. Rhodes chuckled making a comment about how he never got bought a damn thing.

I put on a slightly different top today with blue jeans and my boots. It's dark green, naturally, but with a it of a lower neckline, like a gypsy style but not off the shoulder, you know just in case there is any coffee going spare today. I go to check the time on my phone and notice it's dead. Crap, I forgot to charge it last night, the wall clock shows 15:46. Time to go. I leave the phone on charge in my bedroom, I have the burner in my bag if need be, I sling it on my back. The ride there is quick, no traffic and I am in the compound without any fuss. Parking the bike in my now usual spot, who knew I would have a usual spot at the Avengers Compound, I notice that there is a black helicopter on the landing pad near the doors with S.H.I.E.L.D. markings on it . There are S.H.I.E.L.D. agents standing guard. I guess they have some bigwigs here today. That's my rationale, but something in my stomach makes me hesitate. I shake it off, for once woman just live you life.

Leaving my gloves and helmet on the bike as usual and make my way in. The main lobby is quiet, I round the corner to the main desk area where there is a sign in book, all visitors and guests must sign in, personally I think I'm the only bugger who does it though. Riding the elevator up the the floor that the suite is on I smile out at the view, it is lovely out here, Tony really didn't spare any expense on this.

The elevator opens and I see Steve coming towards me. He's wearing combat style trousers, boots and a tight training top. He looks a little sweaty and more than a little stressed. He's got a bruise above his right eye and what looks like a blood stain on his left shoulder. My heart rate picks up and my hand instantly flies to his face when he reaches me, my fingers brushing his skin lightly. "What the hell happened to your face?"

He shakes his head. "Nothing, an Avengers things." He smiles down at me, even looking disheveled and a little beaten he's breathtaking.

"Are you ok?"

He nods. "Why haven't you been answering your phone I've been trying to call you for an hour?"

I pull an apologetic face. "The battery died, I forgot to charge it. Where is Rhodes is he ok?"

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