Part 10

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Sitting in the dark and brooding isn't really my thing. But here I am, on the couch sitting in the near dark in my t-shirt and briefs, feet resting on my small coffee table, sipping out of a bottle of water watching Megan and Bucky sleep in my bed. The moonlight is coming in from the window illuminating them gently, her skin looks so perfect and pure. Her hair shines. Bucky has his face buried in her neck and his metal arm slung across her body glinting against her. She is under the covers and he lays on top, still only in his sweats.

How this happened I have no idea. I've known her only a few months, I had one idea of who she was and then the last few hours that has been shattered. She's not cocky and confident, she actually really reserved and pretty much petrified of her own shadow. Though what she has had to endure at the hands of Alex Parsons is horrific, I have gathered enough from what she's said, what he said on the roof and what Sharon said last night to understand that he is a true monster. He took her innocence and has systematically tried to ruin her life ever since.

My heart almost couldn't take it earlier when I saw her tip over the edge of that apartment building and in reality, I only just caught her in time. Then tonight, I never expected that. I thought we would take care of her, I wanted that, to make sure that she is safe and not only that, but she feels safe. I never expected to end up in bed with her, with him...with them both.

Then there is the lovemaking. Wow. I have never felt anything so amazing as to have her wrapped so completely around me like that. I hope that it isn't too overwhelming for her, given everything that she has been through. My eyes trail over her to Bucky. That's another thing that I am shocked about. I chuckle to myself, I never thought that I would end up having sex, with him there. I know that when I climaxed, I had hold of him, I'm worried he will think it's weird, but one good thing is he will never lie to me. He will be honest and let me know if it was any good or not, if I did the right things. It feels right having the two of us do this together with Megan.

He stirs then, moving up onto his elbow to look down at her. I see him smile in the moon light and brush a stray piece of hair out of her face. I love seeing him be so affectionate with her. He is so gentle, it's shocking almost. He's crass and says things intentionally to shock sometimes, but he has the calmest and most gentle nature of anyone that I have ever met and I've always craved his company because of it. I wonder if he's like that because he always so scared that he's going to hurt someone?

Untangling himself from her, he moves of off the bed, picks up a t-shirt from the floor, the one he had put on Megan earlier and comes to sit next to me. Mirroring my position. As he does, I smile and whisper to him. "Looked better on her."

The light makes his face all shadows and hard lines, but I see the smile there. "Damn straight." I offer him the water and he takes it from me sipping slowly. "You ok?"

"Yeah. It's been an interesting couple of days."

We both chuckle softly. "It has, yeah." Taking another swig of the water he watches her sleep. "Steve she is out-fucking-standing, and we can't fuck this up." I look at him frown, he gestures to me, him and then Megan with a metal finger. "This never happens, I don't want it to end up being too good to be true."

"So, you want this then, the...I mean the three of us?"

"If she does, then yes. 100% I do. Don't you?"

"Yeah I do, it's just kinda new." Which is a massive understatement.

"Well ok, yeah, I mean it's not exactly conventional I know." He sees my face and smirks at me. "First time with another guy involved huh?"

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