Part 7

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An: all mistakes are my own.  Please comment and share xx


Watching her unconscious on the hospital bed is horrible. She looks so pale, so fragile and yet so beautiful. I get up from the chair I've been sitting in for the past hour and stand over her sleeping form. She has a cut on her forehead from hitting my jaw oddly enough, my head was so hard it knocked her out, Sam is never going to let that go when he hears about. There is fingertip bruising around her chin, neck and her wrists, a smaller bruise on her left cheek as well as some bruising down her left side, again from landing on me. I reach out and touch the bruising on her face, I'm going to kill him for that. I don't usually feel so strongly about hurting people, or Captain America doesn't anyway. But me, I don't care what the right or wrong is, my insides are screaming for nothing more that my fists connecting with his face again and again and again.

She's not my girlfriend, she just a friend, I think, I hope she's a friend, because I really like her. She so pretty and confident, makes me laugh, makes me feel like myself and Nat keeps saying I need more of that. God Sharon never made me feel like that, she just made me feel like I was some kind of hood ornament.

The door opens and I snatch my hand away from her skin. Nat and Bucky walk in, Bucky smirks and I know I was just caught touching her. He smiles and chuckles. "Any change?"

"No, she's still out."

Nat dumps herself in the chair I vacated. "Well, doctor says that there is no real damage anywhere, it's just concussion. Being out for a while is normal." She shrugs. "The rest of the team are waiting for us back at the compound."

"How did Rumlow get away?" Bucky asks as he watches Megan, I can see that he really is fond of her and I don't know what to do about that.

"No idea, killed the chopper pilots and escaped the crash somehow. They were all dead."


"Who w...was dead?" Megan sits up and looks at Bucky, frowns and looks confused. She whispers something that I can't make out before shaking her head and smiling weakly. "What happened?"

"You hit your head when we over the edge of the building." I see her come back to herself a little, realising what happened.  She looks so small, so vulnerable.

She nods and looks from me to Nat. "Hi." Megan, looks at her hands and rubs them over her face. "So, are you here to out me again?"

Nat gives a short chuckle. "No. What you chose to tell us is your own business."

The two women stare at each other a little and Nat looks away first making Megan smile and take a deep breath. "But you could?"

I watch Nat closely and in all the time I've known her this is the first time I've ever seen her look embarrassed. She doesn't meet Megan's eyes at first. "Yes. Tony has everything."

"What?!" Bucky gets it out before I do. "And your saying this now, we've been here over an hour Natahsa?"

Nat stands up and walks to Megan, sits on the side of her bed and she rests her hand on Megan's arm. "I'm going to find a doctor and get you checked out, then your coming home with us and we'll keep you safe." She stands turns and looks at me and then Bucky. "And then, and only then, can she tell us whatever the fucks she wants, whenever she is ready, because...and let me stress this boys, it's her damn choice."

Bucky smirks at her and I stare at my feet feeling bad as Nat leaves. She's right, it's not our place to demand answers, not when she's obviously been through so much at the hands of that bastard.

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