Part 2

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AN: all mistakes are my own.  Just a short chapter.


General POV

Rhodey and Megan walked into the kitchen area and Steve's eyes found her immediately, he was intrigued by her. She was confident, sassy and managed to put Stark in his place almost immediately, something every one liked. There was something else though, something more to her that he couldn't place. He liked the way she walked with her head up, not afraid or shy about herself. He kept looking at her figure, all curves and flesh in the places he loved, an old style hour glass figure, and the hair...he loved her hair. He felt Bucky slap him on the shoulder. "Punk I was talking to you!" Steve looked back to his friend who was stood next to him at the kitchen island with Sam. Both men chuckled as Steve blushed. "I haven't seen that look on your face in a while."

"Shut up." He smirked at them shyly.

Bucky looked in Megan's direction and gave a hmm in appreciation. "Damn Rita Hayworth with dark hair and a nicer ass!" He looked and then he looked some more, really liking what he saw, he caught Steve's eyes and knew that he had thought the same. They had always had exactly the same taste in women.

Sam laughed. "God you two are old."

Steve nudged Bucky. "She's nice, don't be a..." he cut himself off from swearing. "You, don't be you!"

"Hey are you implying that I would be inappropriate to the nice young lady." Immediately he started to think of lots of inappropriate things he could say to get a rise out of Steve and Sam, but he didn't. She was beautiful in his eyes and he always tried to treat beautiful things right.

"Oh Bucky, we are all implying that shit."

The three men chuckled together and caught Megan's attention, she walked over to the counter. "So, Rogers, apparently there was coffee?"

"Or I can make you some tea?" He blushed again, knowing Bucky and Sam would be making him pay for this later.

"No, tea for sympathy. Coffee is fuel." She helped herself to a cup in front of her and put some milk in the bottom waiting for him fill it. He did and she looked at Bucky and Sam. "Hi, I'm Megan."

She looked at them expectantly and after some confused looks Sam caught on first holding out his hand out. "Sam Wilson."

She shook it and smiled warmly thinking he was cute, but trouble. "Hi Sam." Once she let go she held out her hand to Bucky, who smirked and shook it with his right keeping his left behind the counter thinking she hadn't noticed it.

"James Barnes, everyone calls me Bucky." She shook again and smiled inwardly thinking that he was exceptionally handsome, blue eyes like the Captain, but deeper somehow. His hair was short and styled, he looked in his thirties and his smile was like the devil himself. Suddenly his similarity to Ryan hit her hard and she needed to distract herself from it.

She rounded the counted and reached for his left arm. "May I?"

He stuttered. "Er, most people don't...". But she had already taken it in both her hands.

She turned it over and pushed the cuff up his sleeve up exposing more of the silver arm with the gold inlay, she had done it without thinking fascinated by the prosthetic. "It's beautiful." He smiled at her and was lost for words, he had never considered it beautiful.  "Cybernetic?" He nodded and her hands continued to inspect it, he watched her face loving how fascinated she was, no one had reacted over his arm like this before, let alone touch it like that without being scared of what it could do. "Implanted reactive capabilities?" He nodded again and she chuckled. "Wow that means...". She turned his hand over and quickly ran her thumb hard up the inside of his forearm making the individual spacers of his arm react and contract like a muscle with a small whirring noise.

Bucky yelped like a small child and pulled his arm away giggling. "Don't do that!" He looked around and Sam snorted his coffee while Steve looked on amused. "It tickles."

She met his eye. "You can feel through it?" He nodded again. "Wow, that's incredible I've not come across anything this advanced before. You must be very proud of it."

He was taken aback and didn't know how to respond to that. He couldn't exactly say that he was proud of his arm, or himself or anything really. "How do you know so much about tech enhancements or this stuff in general?" He figured changing the subject was easier.

"What can I say, I'm just a massive nerd." They all laughed together at that.

Tony came over and Megan gestured to Bucky's arm. "Did you make James's arm? It fantastic."

Tony was a little taken aback and he looked at Bucky, then back to her smiling as if nothing had happened. Bucky looked at the ground, after everything that had happened he still felt awkward with Stark and he still couldn't meet his gaze all the time. "No, Manchurian Candidate here is enhanced from other fantastic parts of the world."

Megan frowned and was about to ask about the Manchurian remark but Tony directed Megan towards Rhodes saying he wanted her. He turned to the trio. "She'll be around once or twice a week, so you three had better behave." He looked at Bucky, down to his arm and then away again.

Bucky nudged Steve and grinned. "Steve might be a little taken with her, I think it's the accent."

Steve sighed at his best friend and then chuckled. "She's nice."

Bucky nodded. "She is, very." He emphasised the word very and dragged his eyes over her again. Then he met Steve's gaze and flashed a toothy grin. "Game on pal." Steve's frowned at him and then smiled sighing, he didn't stand a chance.

Tony smirked. "Oh this is just precious." He turned to Megan and called to her across the kitchen. "Hey King..." she whipped her head to him. "We are having a party Saturday night, cocktail, classy, your invited, won't take no for a answer." He turned back and smirked at Sam. "I wanna see how this plays out. I've got ten bucks on Capsicle."

Sam fist bumped Stark. "Your on, she's already got an arm fetish so I'm a shoe in." Tony looked confused and Sam explained about her reaction to Bucky's arm.

Steve shook his head at his friends, glad that he had them all together, but he could see that this was going to end in trouble. Megan walked back over, putting her jacket on. "I'm off. It was nice meeting everyone." She met all their eyes, lingered fractionally longer on Steve's and then looked at Tony. "I've made an appointment with Rhodes for next week, start off slow and then maybe pick up the sessions and increase the intensity, but I want to see how he responds initially."

He nodded. "But your coming Saturday night? I insist."

She made a unsure face. "I'm not really the party type."

"Fantastic, I'll send a car." He turned to Steve ignoring the exasperated look on Megans face. "Cap, why don't you walk her out?"

Chuckling he walked round the kitchen island and joined her, looking down at her. "My pleasure, where is your car parked?"

Smiling up at him she shook her head. "Bike, it's out front."

Bucky smirked suddenly coming round the island and slinging his metal arm over her shoulder. "Now this sounds more like my territory. What kind of wheels do ya got?"

She giggled at him. "It's a Ducati, ...Panigale."

He was genuinely shocked. "Wow, the anniversary edition?"

She smiled loving him knowing that. "No the V4 R actually."

He walked a little in front of her and smirked at Steve without her noticing. "Ok, I'm seriously impressed now. I need to see this."

Tony gawked at Steve. "Your just going to let him muscle in?"

Sam was laughing at the slightly dejected look on Steve's face as Bucky and Megan left. Steve did noticed that she moved out from under Bucky's arm just as they left the room though.


End of Chapter

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