Part 15

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AN: all mistakes are my own and the devil dyslexia xx
No warnings, sex talk, girl talk, vicolencemand some more angst.



The day went slowly, boring, I literally did nothing, starring out of a window or two and then having a shower before meeting Nat. I am now actively avoiding using the bathtub as I am a little afraid of where my own thoughts go when I am in the bath. I've scared myself, I still am scaring myself.

It's early evening and I've ended up with Nat in the main living area, there are three massive couches in here as well as a huge wide screen that she has a music display up on and is scrolling through ministry of sound albums until she shouts "Bingo!" and plays some Armin Van Buuren before turning it up and vibing over to the bar. "Come on you, what's your poison?"

I get up and join her. That's when I notice that we are in pretty much matching leggings and shirts. "Ok, so I need more clothes, I can't keep stealing your stuff."

She looks me over and laughs. "It fine, it's pretty much generic SHIELD stuff that I have and what I buy for myself, trust me, no one is borrowing." I nod and she smirks at me. "We can shop though? I mean I'm not the shopping type, but you know I can help."

"Thanks. That would be nice. I mean, I doubt Bucky or Steve would let me go shopping right now anyway."

"You know, they don't have to let you do shit?" Her eyebrows shoot up.

I chuckle at her tone. "I know, it's not like that. They're protective."

"Really, I hadn't noticed." She hands me a large whiskey with a sarcastic tone. She hops up onto the bar, her legs swinging next to me as I sit on a stool, then she reaches over and hands me the bottle of whiskey and grabs a bottle of vodka. I follow her over to the couch and we put our respective bottles down on the floor next to us. She laughs. "They are both so completely done in over you."

I take a swig of my drink and wince at the burn. "Is that a bad thing?"

"Not a all. It's actually really nice to see. Neither of them has much luck and I for one have been waiting for Steve to turn around and declare his love for Bucky for literal years!"

"So, they haven't been together before?"

"No, they're best friends until now. Hang on do you mean, 'together' together?"

I blush and remember the kiss that I watched them have earlier, it did serious things to my insides. "I guess they haven't."

I bit my lip. I've never done this, girl talk, female friendship. I never had the chance. I think that she spots that I'm unsure of all this. "Can I ask you something?" I nod taking a drink and feeling my palms get a little sweaty, because I just know it's going to be about Parsons. "What happened? Parsons I mean. You don't have to tell me, I read the file, but it's generic you know."

I look at my hands. I've had therapy, I've talked. But there was so much, so much I didn't tell anyone. Fear kept it in. Fear of him, being judged and breaking my dads heart. I look at her eyes and I trust her. Something she said earlier about trauma and how they have all had their own to deal with and that they understand. "Ok." My voice is quiet. "So, I was 15, normal school day and then the fire alarm goes off. Again nothing knew there right, just shit that that happens, we were all happy cos we got to skip out of the lesson. Geography, I remember because I used to sit next to this girl with bright ginger hair and she would draw these little characters of the teachers." I smile as I think of her. "We walked towards the back of the school and as we made it to the gym, which you had to go through to get out to the main playing fields, there were men in balaclavas with huge guns. They started to grab at everyone, separating my year group off from the others." I see her nod as she pours herself another drink. "Once we were separated, some of the men took the other year groups out, I don't know where. The head was losing it, shouting at them, pleading not to hurt any of the kids."

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