Part 12

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AN: all mistakes are my own and the devil dyslexia xx 

Warnings for violence and suicide.



I rise from the chair, not hearing what Tony has just said to me and move in front of the screen. "I've never seen this before." We are still in the glass fronted office, watching what I thought was the last moments of my life at the time. "Would my dad have seen this?"

The black man moves to stand next to me. "Your father and I have met, worked with him a time or two...". I snap my face to him and he holds his hand out for me to shake. "Nick Fury, S.H.I.E.L.D. Director." I shake his hand gently and flit my eyes briefly back to the screen, two people are dragging Costa's body out of the way while two paramedics start to cut down my t-shirt and reveal the injuries on my torso, the wound on my stomach. "I knew this footage existed, but I hadn't seen it before today."

I nod absentmindedly as I continue to watch the screen and noticed three men in suits covered by M.O.D. vests, run in through the main doors of the barn. One is older than the other two, he has receding hair, heavy beard, which he hasn't got anymore. "Dad!" I turn to Fury and look briefly at the others.

Tony moves beside me. "That's your father?" I nod and continue to watch the two younger agents hold hold him back from rushing towards where the medics are tending to me. Tony mutters beside me. "No father should have to see that."

He's right, no father should ever have to go through any of this. He shouldn't of had to go through knowing that his daughter was kidnapped from her school, that she was used as leverage for information in some deal and that she was abused and beaten and almost died. "I never knew he was there, he never told...he never told me." My tears are flowing silently without my permission.

I feel someone move behind me and their hands rest on my hip, I look up briefly to see Bucky's blue gaze on me, I lean back against his chest. I wish that there was a way that I could hug them both at the same time and take all the safety and reassurance that they can give right now. I catch another movement on the screen and my body freezes, going stiff as I see someone else on the screen that I did not know was there. I step out of Bucky's embrace and get closer to the screen as I whisper his name. "Ryan."

It's such a shock seeing him there, so young and so alive, full of vigour as he try's to get my father to focus on him instead of what is happening at the far end of the barn, with me. I touch the screen, wanting to touch his face and it stops, focusing on him. "He wasn't there though?" I look around the room at the others and Steve moves in front of me, guiding me back to my chair and moving another in front of me to sit down. Tony doesn't meet my eye, neither does Fury and Bucky just stands with his back to the wall looking as confused as I feel. "What aren't you telling me?"

"Megan who introduced you and Ryan?" Steve's voice is gentle.

I think for a moment and smile. "Er well no one really. When I was 18 dad and two of Dad's Agents picked me up from college, Parsons had been spotted in the UK and there was a worry that he would try something as far as I was concerned. We went back to the M.O.D building in Westminster, I sat in an office for hours and Ryan was the Agent on the door." I smile. "I was bored, so I started to talk to him, it was ages till he replied, made a joke that my dad had given him specific instructions that he wasn't to talk to me." Steve chuckles. "Flirt with me more like. Because he did, he flirted a lot, so did I though." I turn and smile at Bucky, whose gaze hasn't left me. "I'm a sucker for a cocky bastard." He winks at me.

Fury leans on the desk. "Parsons was never caught around that time either."

"No, that evening we were on our way to a safe house I think, I was in a car with Ryan and another Agent, his name was Bafter or Baxter something like that. There were three cars. We were ambushed, Ryan drove like a madman and we barely got away, the car was riddled with bullets. Ended up in a shitty flat somewhere. We were there for a week, they come for us again. Then it was another shitty flat followed by another shitty flat and in the end it was three weeks before they caught up with us again." I shuddered as I think about what happened. "The cottage that we were staying in was petrol bombed, Bafter, he never got out." Steve is rubbing small circles over the back of my hand as I talk and the contact is so perfect and calming, he and Bucky seem to know instinctively what I need to keep me grounded. "After that we were picked up by helicopter and spent a week in the south of France. They declared the threat over as Parsons was spotted a little after we got to France in the Ukraine and then Lebanon or somewhere like that."

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