A Demon And Her Toy

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Alright! This is the last filler! Honestly, I wouldn't even do this if I hadn't promised it earlier, but I did, so I must. After this chapter, I'm gonna go right ahead and move the story along. I'm not gonna let my dumb-ass brain get the better of me this time!

TW: Gore, Mentions of Suicide, Kyoko is um... different, Very Little Killugon


Kyoko's POV (Miss her?)

This woman- demon- whatever the hell she is... Why is she doing this to me? I'd spent the last couple of hours at a spa she dragged me to. It would've been nice if everything they used there wasn't just another form of torture. Wax strips with needles that went all the way through wherever they put them, nail polish that disintegrated my nails before burning the sensitive flesh underneath, lotion that was made of slugs that dug and slithered underneath my skin. You know, the usual stuff.

I grunted as I felt myself being engulfed in water so cold, it was like my limbs died right then and there. The demon, whose name I still hadn't learned, watched intently, seeming to enjoy every second of my torture. Though she was holding my hand through it, it was almost... comforting. Which was even worse! This woman had been torturing for God knows how long! (Hey! I know too! It's been- uh...) I wished she was the one torturing me rather than comforting me. At least she had some original ideas. This was boring. Heh, maybe they're trying to bore me to death.

Honestly, once you've spent as much time in Hell as me, you start to get used to the pain. Even if I was still disgusted by those vile creatures called homosexuals, they could no longer be used to torture me. Things like having my nails ripped off or arms pulled out of the socket were just things that happened. Like doing dishes, but just the slightest bit more painful. Irritating, but you have to go through it anyway.

When I looked back up at the demon, she was frowning. "You're bored? This is supposed to be painful, you know."

"It's not like I haven't had needles and slugs and poison stuffed into me a million times already," I answered. Being here had really calmed my attitude, it was strange, I used to be a psychotic little bitch, now I was just a little bit of a bitch. In fact, I was so much tamer, I realized that the demon was actually okay company. She was certainly always yearning for some sort of conversation.

"Well, geez, what do you want me to do? I've already tortured you in every way hundreds of millions of times. The store ran out of milk! Can you believe it?! That's like its only purpose!" She exclaimed completely exasperated.

(That may or may not be based on a true story with my local sandwich deli running out of bread. Like, come on! Your entire business is to make sandwiches! How can you run out of bread?!)

"You're the demon, don't you supply it with milk?" I reminded her. It was actually kind of funny, she'd get so caught up in torturing me, she'd forget she was in charge of this whole little dimension she created specifically to torture me.

"Oh yeah," she huffed. "Can't you start hating stuff like this again? It's no fun just making you buy milk over and over again."

"We've never once actually bought it," I recalled all the times she'd made me lug that milk around. Each one gave me some sort of pain in a different fashion. It had always been so bad I'd never actually made it to the checkout.

"Whatever, you know what I mean, darling." I didn't know why she was still calling me stuff like that. It hardly even bothered me anymore. Not that I liked her or anything! That would be ludicrous! She's a girl, and she's been torturing me! Wait... Is she actually a girl?

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