Mental Health

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Hi guys,

First of all, I regret to inform you that I'm taking yet another break. I know it's unfair to you guys and I'm gonna leave you waiting on the killugon fluffy smut for a bit longer, but this is something that is absolutely crucial for me.

I can't even write anymore, I am just so stressed with everything that's going on with my family and the writing, it's just too much right now. Excluding the stress, I have mental conditions like severe depression, crushing anxiety, and something similar to PTSD. So, right now, I need time to help myself recover from these things, at least a little bit.

The other thing is that this break is going to be longer than the others, it'll probably be about three weeks, including this one. Whenever I took breaks before, which would be around four to five months apart, they would only give me a day or two of rest, which just isn't a sufficient amount of time.

I have noticed that my writing skills are dwindling because I'm trying so hard to push out these chapters because I'm so stressed about being late for the umpteenth time. Almost everyone in my household has been suffering from severe mental illnesses for multiple years now and right now, we need to focus on helping ourselves overcome that. I'm getting myself a therapist, my mom and brother are on medication, my sister's too young to have any help, but we're trying to support her in any way we can.

I'm really sorry that I'm taking another break so soon after the last one, but as I stated earlier, those other breaks just weren't sufficient and I am literally breaking under the pressure. At the time being, I'm just focused on getting the support I need to continue providing content to all of you. Hopefully, when I come back, my writing will be more emotion-invoking and more entertaining to read. And again, I'm really sorry for taking yet another break.

Anyways, I hope you all are doing well, and just because I'm taking a break from writing doesn't mean that I'm not gonna still be here to talk if any of you feel the need to. Or even if you just want to get to know each other better, I'm almost always free to talk. If anybody feels so inclined, you can DM me or something, I don't know, it's just an offer.

I'll see you all in a few weeks with some killugon cuddles!



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