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Three days...

Today is off.
The vibes
are just so lost.
Like I am sitting
in a loft
with nothingness to spare.

And when I looked over at him,
he didn't even care.
Like I was never there
and it was so hard to bare.
Those of bad vibes
surrounding us everywhere.

I don't know if it's something I did,
but it is just so morbid.
Sitting here,
with no words to speak.
But it is him I seek
and those of his actions
I gushed over this week.

I'm so confused
because when I awoke,
I felt so sick to my stomach.
My head throbbed,
my chest ached,
my fingertips twitched,
and my throat burned.
Like heavy fire that only grew
with gasoline,
being poured over it.
To expand it,
make it bigger, worse, to burn more.
And that is how
my throat and entire chest felt.

I hurt.
Not mentally,
but physically.
And I don't know why.

Perhaps it was something I ate
or drank.
But I had no thoughts on what it could be,
that would make me feel like that.
I was so hot,
I awoke in a cold sweat.
It felt like I was laying directly in fire.
Like someone was burning me
from the inside out.

And it felt
like a knife
was stabbed right through my chest.
I was scared.
I couldn't breath when I woke up
because I had a bad nightmare
about all these things happening
it wasn't a dream.

It was all true
and happening to me right there,
out of the blue.

I must've woken Dream up
with all my heavy breathing, panicking,
and freaking out.
But I was just so scared,
because I felt so impaired.
So unreal,
so fake.

I felt
like a mistake
and I cried
so much
without even knowing.

I couldn't breath
or swallow,
or blink.
I weeped.

Dream rushed his hands to me immediately
and scooped me up
into his arms.
Shushing me
and holding my head
to the crook of his neck.
But I continued to cry,
I don't even know why.
I felt just so awful.

"George, calm down sweetie.
What's wrong? You're on fire!"

"I-I don't know. I feel so-so sick."

I was such a mess,
barely a syllable was let out from my mouth.
It hurt so bad
to speak.
I didn't know what to do.
All I knew
was that I needed him.

As Dream pulled off my shirt
leaving my chest bare,
he kept rubbing my back
and it helped so much.
I wasn't as hot,
but I was still warm.
And I wasn't completely okay,
but he was there
and he made me feel better.

I stopped panicking
because he lowered his voice
and whispered into my ear,
soothing me.
His words
and tone,
were so alluring.
He kept whispering
into my ear.

Sweet nothings,
making me feel no more fear.
I calmed down so much after that.

Even after the fire in my chest was burned out,
it still felt like it was there.
And there was still
something in there
causing me pain.

A sharp
little pain.
But it was okay for the moment
because Dream
was making me feel so safe.

He ran his hands up and down my back.
I forgot that I was even hurting
in the first place completely.

Dream wraps his arm around my shoulders,
putting his head at my neck
and I let my smile consume me.
He's warm,
but I did not need to be warm at the moment.
The heat was also consuming me.

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