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Zero days...

There is so much I want to say,
but nothing will come out of my mouth.
I'm in shock,
I just can't believe it.

I never thought
that this would happen.
I never realized just how many curveballs
life can throw you.

I'm denying it.
I really just can't wrap my head around this.
My heart is skipping beats at 100
miles per hour.

How is this possible?

I cant breathe,
the oxygen has been taken from my lungs,
i'm gasping for air
and choking on my tears.

They keep falling
and I just can't catch them.
Rapidly from my eyes like waterfalls,
my tears pour.

They pour
and pour

Down my cheeks
and onto my bedsheets.
They're soaked,
and I can't find a single spot
that isn't infected
with my tears.

I can taste the saltiness in my mouth.
My head is in my hands
and i'm weeping aloud
for all to hear.

Phone falling from my ear,
as I hear the news.
The shock melts over me
like a tidal wave
and i'm in disbelief.

The phone lies on my lap
upside down.
It's buzzing.

I had just woken up
seconds prior.
Still half asleep
and in my pajamas.

all I can do
is cry
and let it all out.
That's it.

I have no words.
They have been taken
straight from my throat
and i'm not sure
when they'll ever return.

But it's not something
you hear everyday.
This is not something that happens
very often.
This isn't
what I had in mind
when I picked up the phone.

It's not what I was expecting
and I wonder,
if this is all just a dream.

Or maybe i'm going insane
because I haven't slept
and i've stayed up for so long
just praying that everything will be okay.

I watched the sunrise
as I heard the news
and footsteps
coming from the hall.

My door bursts open
and I hurriedly flick my attention
that way.

It's not who I was expecting.
I didn't even think my door
was unlocked,
but apparently it was,
because Sapnap
is standing there
in my bedroom door frame.

A goofy ass grin
spreading wildly across his cheeks
and more as the seconds pass.

Was this a joke?
Am I dreaming?
Is this some stupid prank
he's pulling on me?

I could barely look Sapnap
in the eye,
I was just so confused.
So completely unaware
of the situation that was happening
at that very moment.

And as I look at him,
he speaks.

"I have a surprise for you, George."
He says.

I inspect his hands,
I study his expression,
and I try to look for something of use
to me.

But I found nothing.

Just empty hands
and a opened door
in front of me.

"What is it?" I respond hazily.

He smirks and steps aside.
Coming into my room,
standing by the wall.

I see nothing.
Just a darkened hallway.
There is nothing

What am I looking at?
Maybe i've really gone insane.

"Look who I brought with me."
Sapnap points to the door,
and i'm opening my eyes wider
just to see if my vision
was actually clear
and what I was seeing,
is real.

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